Sunday, October 23, 2016

Wichita Police Normalize Military Weapons to Black Lives Matter Protestors 2013

 Wichita Police held a Picnic in Lieu of a Black Lives Matter Protest March in 2016


What was originally planned as a protest march turned into a cookout, where Wichita police and a diverse group of assemilated Witchita residents attended a pic-a-nic.

Read more here:


Black people are the First People of the planet. We are the Indigo Copper Skinned People in the Americas and the world. We are the majority in population on the planet as the Afrikan diaspora. Yet, we have been disenfranchised for centuries by Caucasians from Europe who invaded the Americas and are now dismantling our culture, and demanding assimilation into a "minority" Lower-Middle-Class worker/slave/consumer status, and white Supremacy Imperialism. We Indigo people are innocent, unarmed, and are still being disrespected, rarely to receive justice, neglected in reparations for inhumanity, racially profiled as inferior potential suspects, to be, hunted, targeted and murdered by predator racists dressed in police uniforms...
So, these cops planned a Pic-a-nic with all the pigs-in-a-blanket trimmings, while on display, smiling like fashion models- yet dressed in full militarized police gear and bulletproof vests, around unarmed Afrikan men, women, and their children. Are these police "fearing for their lives" now? Why are they so weaponized? The cops diverted these Black protesters from their intentional plans and easily steered them into their territory... Now the children are lured to be desensitized from their armed weaponry, radios, and bulletproof vests- to think of this combat geared dressed police- as "Barney Fife." 


Police appear in our neighborhoods across the US, militarized with guns and combat gea
r, to masquerade with social workers who appear to want to build "a relationship of trust care and compassion," with African American Citizens, while at the same time, the police are still trained to racially profile melanin skinned people as potential criminal suspects, NEVER to be trusted. This is an oxymoron!

Before the US Civil War, Police were the Militias, Slave Catchers, and Bounty Hunters. After the US Civil War and the aftermath of the reconstruction period, police enforced Black Codes, Jim Crow laws, Red Lining, "Sundown Laws", colored bathrooms, and riding in the back of the bus, legal segregation, and mass incarceration. The laws were implemented by the Federal and State-US Government to control the lives, prosperity and gainful mobility particularly of people of Afrikan Descent. Imprisonments and Lynching were often employed to steal land, Resources, Cash crops, cattle and other Animals, from prosperous African American Family-based economic communities.

The Ku Klux Klan is still a terrorist organization. The kkk has the intention of genocide on Indigo people. They're still recruiting people, most of the time from the Fraternal Order of Police, Christian institutions, Medical facilities, universities, professional, and political groups. Historically, the kkk coined the term "pic-a-nic" as a code for a lynching party gathering that was often formed to terrorize black community members who may be growing in affluence. Many Caucasian people would even bring their women and children to these homicidal spectacles.  These people were the Pastors, businessmen, bankers, and even police officers, dressed in their Sunday best. They would sell postcard photographs of these lynchings, along with the teeth, testicles, and other body parts of their victims as novelty souvenirs.


Now current police officers, are often the grandchildren of lynching party families, who show an apathetic determination to justify wholesale mass murder on people of African Descent.

This is the perfect depiction of race supremacy and police brutality, Although this caucasian cop, dressed in full military combat gear, bounces a basketball, he is not a part of this African-American young man's neighborhood or life. The officer is sparring in a basketball competition, this young teen is completely out matched by the mere size of the cop, who is fully armed, against a young teen. Now this young teen, who is completely unarmed, with only his skills, is expected to ignore the bully club, guns, the tazer, the mace, the concussion bomb, and radio on the bullet proof vest, etc., to focus only on the ball.... The cop is still the hunter and our youth are still targeted as prey.

This is called Desensitization-The cops want our youth to be "compliant" and "comfortable" and disarm their natural caution around their uniform, weapons and combat gear- even though they are still the hunters and we are still targeted as the prey... Basketball is a game of competition- this adult cop knows that these youth are psyched for the challenge- So he bates and provokes them to defy the odds... They want our youth to have their guard down, not hide or run away and later be more willing to defy a challenge of authority in the streets... This cop looks like the Terminator- T-1000 model.   

To remember that the Wichita were Americans who were invaded and massacred from their lands, so that these U.S. combat geared Police can now have their shindigs!

Currently, the police are called in to attack black skin people, like they are attacking the Dakota Indians. They are treating our people like "wildlife" with no human rights, and no land rights. They are no different than the Buffalo, who were slaughtered to almost extinction.

So, militarized Police officers, with affiliations to KKKlan/Natzis terrorists, and US military Combat soldiers, want Black Families to let our instinctive guards of self preservation down, and desensitize our children around the combat gear and arms, while candidly answering question and explaining their justifiable murder of innocent victims all across The United States, over GMO kool-aid, chips, pork hotdogs, fried chicken and watermelon, while line dancing and whipping the Nay Nay!

These same police(bounty hunters, slave patrol) are STILL TRAINED TO SHOOT TO KILL and attack with police dogs, EVERY Colored MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD- NOT ONLY IN THE U.S. BUT GLOBALLY!

*Missouri’s police have been militarized with additional gear, weapons, tanks, and technology. Yet, they are not screened out for having affiliations with Hate groups, Race Nationalist Militias, or KKKlan/Nazi terrorists. These men, dressed in Police military Combat fatigues, want Black Families to let our instinctive guards for self preservation down, Fear and desensitize our children around the combat gear and arms, that they wear, while candidly justifying the murder of innocent victims and walking away from their murder with indefinite full paid Police leave, a full retirement package, or enabled to move laterally to another precinct to continue their rampage of racism, unchecked. Many Police are on the job intoxicated!

Many other things are killing Black people simultaneously. For instance the leading cause of Death in the African American Community is Heart Attack, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Cancers, before Homicide. *Alien GMO filled Fast Food restaurants, convenience stores, Grocers and Liquor Stores glut our neighborhoods. I say “Alien” because African Americans are refused or denied grants, bank loans and private funding for Home ownership and especially business ownership. Our Religious organizations are also neglecting the neighborhood that they practice their beliefs in.

These same police(bounty hunters, slave patrol) are STILL TRAINED TO SHOOT TO KILL and attack with police dogs, EVERY Colored MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD- NOT ONLY IN THE U.S. BUT GLOBALLY!

This is what I would like to address with police officials and administrators:

 · How about doing public relations and damage control by incarcerating the corrupt police officers who have killed our innocent unarmed people, instead of giving them a Full retirement package, or allowing them to move to another precinct, or security position to continue their rampage!?
· How 'bout making a real public example for Justice, of ANY cop who abuses his badge and uniform, who becomes a drug and or alcohol induced KKKlan or Nazi hunter/predator toward Black people? If they are bigots and racists, They cannot do their job, and should be fired and not permitted to serve as security ever again.
· How about not even coming into our neighborhoods if you don't live here or belong to our communities?! Or, see us as real human beings with human and civil rights to justice and equity?
· How about letting us police ourselves with neighborhood and community police and private security?
· How about working through a council of Elders, the community centers, with assigned mediators, and councilors, or assigning block captains, and neighborhood watchers for crime reports,
· How about only hiring police officers, directly from our neighborhoods, who will continue to live in the neighborhoods that they serve in?
·  How about publicly ferreting out police corruption and injustice and allowing police to turn in their fellow corrupt officer?!
· How about removing the constrictions, demotions and ostracizing of police whistle blowers to police corruption? 
How about checking for Fatigue and Drug Abuse (Uppers, No-Doze abuse, Alcoholism) while in the fieldwork? 
How about limiting and lowering the amount of time served in fieldwork per shift and rotation?
· How about ending the quota systems for arrests and fines?!
· How about de-militarizing the police force and state troopers, etc?
· How about ending the School to prison pipeline and the infiltration of police against our youth!?
· How about Freeing all political prisoners, framed, and wrongfully convicted?

· How about Letting our People Go!- Stop blocking and dismantling our Intentional Communities and Black Wall Street Businesses!

Now Cops are waving The Hegelian Dialectic. False Flag Terrorism image of fidelity with happy negroes dancing with armed caucasian police in combat gear, who STILL perceive and racially profile Black people as potential suspects, and not only that; Many Police are still dual members of the Fraternal Order of Police and the KKKlan and/or Natzis! Often the police are recruited from military personnel who are dealing with PTSD, after killing innocent people overseas! These men get addicted to killing and become reprobate psychopaths.

African American History in Wichita



The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and service excellence. *Nome= 5 Klans=5 Families.

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