Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Be the Gentry of our own Communities

I give honor to the Most High Great Spirit and our ancient Ancestors! We are the Children of the Sun! 

We must look inside of our own neighborhoods, and go within ourselves, to re-establish our own Black Nome* societies which includes our own Black Policing systems. This is what is called Intentional Community*.  An Intentional Community Lowers Crime by 34%. 

We can customize our own approach to rebuild our own community, focusing clearly on our own cultural sensitivity and understanding, to provide a quality way of life with our own Paramedics, Medical Clinics Fire department, and law enforcement services that meet the unique needs of our diverse people. 

*"An intentional community is a planned residential community designed to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political, religious, or spiritual vision."

I propose that Afrikan Americans Become the "Gentry" of Our Own Communities.*

Paternally depending on Police that refuse to give accountability for a budget that offers support and relief for the most impoverished areas of Kansas City, or chooses not to live around our elders, our children, and our most vulnerable, Mothers, and Fathers, within our Black neighborhoods. Depending on people who represent policing, yet don't even choose to live in our neighborhoods, yet they send their ride-alongs to the black residential areas for their amusement, then brandish a negative, hyper-militarized, dehumanizing, condescending, alienating, aggressive, assimilationist, shoot-to-kill stance in racially profiling and stereotyping African Americans that they are supposed to serve and protect, is out of order.. 

*We need to "right size" and repurpose these services. WE CAN POLICE OURSELVES! We can stop calling 911 and 311 and use our own self-management strategies that are already in place in our neighborhoods and Associations!

So I'm Coming Straight From The Underground!

I hope you have read my article on Black Community Policing. We talked about things we can do today, like Grandma Benches for Mental Health, Agrotherapy for Veterans, re-entry, mental and nutritional health;

and Tribal Councils for local government. I am open to continuing this course for the implementation of this objective at Amen Ankh CommuniverCity.

*Tribal/Saphat Council
Our Ancient societies used the word Saphat to describe a Nome society.
A Nome or Saphat starts with 5 families that grow to 5 Klans= 25 Family-based systems. 5 Nomes represent a city-state. 

This information was discussed in the book NATION BUILDING HOW TO By Sasteh Meter Mosley

"Eco-Nome-ics is a family based system" 

Sasteh Meter Mosley

Our ancient Ancestors established cities that lasted for 4000-year Dynasties, in peace. These were specialized groups, based on an ecology of natural resources. These Nomes began with gatherers and hunter groups, then Fishermen and Shepherd Kings- Pastoral migration Klans, then Farmers, with specialized Craft Makers, Carpenters, Metal Smithers, Etc., who built their services and businesses from access to a commonwealth of forests, land, rivers, lakes, and oceans etc., for cooperative eco-nomics. Economics is built upon the root word- Eco-logy. Ecology of natural resources that are essential to life- water, land to grow and harvest foods, and natural materials like wood, minerals, and clay. Our Ancestors all used natural resources to manufacture and trade with each other. Currently, we have Black Professionals, Artists, Mechanics, Scientists, Engineers, ect. in every field that we would need to build our own community and town. 

Historically The gentry are the powerful members of society. In the United Kingdom, where there are still kings and queens and dukes and duchesses, the gentry are the people who rank just below the nobility and ruling class. Gentry can also refer to the important people in any field. Below the gentry was the middle class. They also owned property, but they were not as rich as the gentry. The middle class worked at skilled jobs. A skilled job was being a teacher or craftsman.

The academic certifications of public school systems are always skewed because the Gifted and Talented were predominantly removed, to be groomed and fostered within private institutions and tutors. later as they went to college, they were fostered to never return to the "Ghetto"/hood. So Just like athletes, their income was never expected to recirculate back into the neighborhoods and families that they grew up in. in fact this is where the prison industrial complex and foster care system diverts income to the small towns that hold the penal institutions and the incarcerated

WE Must Be the Gentry 

Understanding the mathematics of 6 Degrees of Separation, to return to Cooperative ownership of unencumbered land, Real Properties, cooperative ownership of Production and Manufacturing Businesses, and in pooling our own commonwealth of Natural Resources; establishing our own Water and Food Systems, Energy, transportation and security, to build our own Schools, Hospitals, Amusement Parks, Movie Theaters, Hotel/ Resorts, Entertainment centers, Tourist Attractions, Recreational centers, Skating Rinks, and even Auto Racing tracks. As WEB Dubois spoke of the talented 10th, while Booker T Washington fostered the Pull-Up-Your-Bootstrap to promote industry development, we must now come together to not leave anyone behind.

Presently we are not living in a community, we are living within an open public corral of free-range enslavement. Low subsistence wage Workers, staff, and  Employees have replaced the enslaved... We are consumer-based, not production based, without a Commonwealth of land and resources. Like fish in a bucket, we have been the targets of a domestic war for 400 years. The war on Drugs is a US domestic war on melanite people.

We encourage our disenfranchised to "Be the Gentry of their own communities! We want our best and brightest to return and rebuild our neighborhoods and foster green Eco-Nome-y. Historically, Melinated people owned successful Economic Towns known as "Black Wallstreets" all over America, Now we have been convinced to foster the best and brightest to get out of the "Ghettos" which only empower the economy of an alien society while blighting our own. the African American community is targeted to be the underclass wage slave consumer. They are surrounded and targeted by Payday loan sharks, food deserts of GMOs, fast food restaurants (that only foster diabetes, heart attacks, and cancers), Alcohol, tobacco and firearms,  miseducation,, and functional illiteracy.

We need to Buy-Black our own neighborhoods out of Neo-Enslavement.

Often, when we are brought to the table - WE are on the menu!

As Dr. Claud Anderson has stated, "We are living under Social Integration and - There is no power in being Consumers." 

Our Children are the Gentry! 

ALL of our children are born with the potential for genius.

 *We must stop teaching the best minds of our children to leave the "Ghetto" neighborhoods, then to assimilate with a hostile society, as a perpetual consumer, never gaining a momentum of generational inherited wealth. Finally to leave our neighborhoods to dwindle, and our elders, children, women, and most vulnerable, to die in poverty and criminality. Poverty is a crime, and poverty is the Mother of criminality. With the exhaustion of our human resources, very little money from our children who leave our neighborhoods comes back into our neighborhoods to recirculate. So we work, then give our money right back to an alien society that is pressuring the destruction of our own cultural Identity, like a vice.

When African Americans, from the civil rights era, agreed to desegregate, integrate, or assimilate into the Public corral of the School-to-prison-pipeline, we not only lost our schools and some of our best and brightest teachers to integration. We also lost our business contracts, production, manufacturing, and business services. Then we bussed our children to another school to have an alien society teach our children miseducation. Then black Americans moved into areas that were previously redlined; while the population of that neighborhood moved into private sectored "white-flight", gated communities. With Social Integration, we lost our best doctors, scientists, Mathematicians, and Industrial business owners, then our Farmers and landowners, with their families who had skills and resources. 

When Asian students leave school, at the end of the day, they transition to cram schools. and Family Based Business as part-time workers. Many also eat, and worship, together as a family and community group. The women cook together and the elders are available to assist the youth.  Yet When Black students transition from their school day, very few are in after-school programs, the remainder play ball, video games, or eat junk foods as latch-key-kids. 

*We must encourage our own Gifted and talented to return to our neighborhoods. We can propose mixed-income housing. There are ways to receive a private education without extreme costs and to homeschool our children in a network.

"It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"

*We need to return to mixed-income housing in Afrikan American neighborhoods; where we promote our own manufacturing and production. As we model and employ diverse professions for our youth and encourage the recycling of our talents, dollars, and resources.

*We can cooperatively own our own Apartment complexes and neighborhoods and Intentional (Gated) communities.

* We must be the leaders of Green sustainable objectives, like recycling, Alternative building materials, and reduction and elimination of plastics, fossil fuels, and products.

*We must reinvigorate our Vocational/ Technical Arts. For instance, Every 18-year-old Afrikan American Young Adult can receive their own Real Estate and Insurance licenses along with their Voting Registration card and driver's license. Every child should have the right to farm. The right to grow their own foods and cultivate their own resources using a commonwealth of land, water, and forests...

*We can reinvigorate the construction contractor trades, to build our own communities and even towns to live in. *

*Paramedics, Firemen, and Security, like Barbers, are professions that do not require a college degree. 

*We can then move into our own Resource-Based Economies.

The Black community is still redlined by alien banks and insurance agencies who will not support Black businesses, provide loans for home improvements, and often don't cover insurance policies for death benefits, accidents, or burglaries... 

*We need our own Credit Unions and Black Insurance products

There are over 3500 Intentional Communities

These are places where people live together with shared resources and explicit common values
Including ecovillages, cohousing, land trusts, income-sharing communes, co-ops, and Faith-based/ spiritual communities.
Intentional Communities are a practical and viable way to successfully live together with dignity as people.

A Resource-Based Economy:

Sharing all ecological resources in a full community of goods and services. In order for an intentional community to work, you have to be fully committed to the idea. So they share their lives and finances; none owns any property in their own name, none receives a paycheck, stipend, or allowance, and membership is a lifetime commitment. By doing that, they have built a place where there are no rich or poor, where everyone is cared for, everyone belongs, and everyone can contribute.

A Gated Community:
  •  A form of residential community or housing estate containing strictly controlled entrances for pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles, and often characterized by a closed perimeter of walls and fences. 

  • Homes in gated communities experienced 34 percent fewer burglaries than non-gated neighborhoods

Food Security

Growing our own non-GMO foods in locally-based areas, is imperative to wellness and security, reducing crime and criminality.  As Afrikan American neighborhoods regain control over our vital nutrition and mental healing of stresses, we can gain a fighting chance to become an independent community. 
Food insecurity across an entire community can lead to higher rates of health problems, including mental health, according to researchers. Long-term stress can increase suicides and confrontations that lead to gun violence. The scarcity of fresh and healthy food in communities is a critical public health issue. More than 80% of 911 calls are NOT POLICE CALLS. Most 911 calls are related to physical health. Afrikan Americans are dying more from High Blood pressure, Strokes, Heart Attacks, Diabetes, and Cancers than from Homicide! 

To be about the mission: to create a self-sustaining and economically beneficial food infrastructure for residents is essential. This measure sailed unopposed through the Missouri House’s Agricultural Policy Committee — a Republican-dominated body. No one from either party opposed the bill. Our Senator, Madame Barbara A Washington is on that Committee.

So, Community Policing is not just about interrupting acts of violence or preventing acts of violence, but it’s really about creating proactive change in the quality and progress of the lives of the individuals that are considered high-risk in our own communities. Essential wraparound services — such as mental and behavioral health, utility assistance, mortgage, and rental assistance, and food — are some of the things that a lot of people oftentimes take for granted and are really the key things that are necessary to change the environment for individuals and lower or eliminate crime and criminality.

Tribal Councils

To manage minor disputes- and preside in Court hearings over local non-violent disputes, Domestic Disputes, Like Neighbor conflict mediation, Child Custody, Divorces, restitution, and community services, Arbitration for Business disputes, etc.
*Promoting the Committee Men and Women, and Neighborhood Block captains and associations, along with Local community-based Attorneys, and Judges.

We Already Have Black Tribal leadership.

 Our Boule are tribes: Fraternities, Sororities, Masonic associations, Neighborhood and Community organizations, Black Medical Associations, Black Beauty businesses, Religious organizations, Street organizations, Motorcycle Clubs, Business Associations, Unions, High School Alma Maters, Family Reunions, etc. to name a few. 

We can employ more Neighborhood members as Non-Police responders for Health checks and Non-life threatening situations, to have their own Call Number (or 24-7 311 Referral) that can be distributed through our own local Neighborhood community stations for:

 *Training our own voluntary Firefighters, Paramedics, visiting nurses, clinics and. Hospitals.
*Our own Security and Private Police Patrols, Cameras, Safe-Houses, Safety Stations, and other Security services.

We are often confronted with disregard, disrespect, and disenfranchisement during any interaction with the "dominant society." In the honor of Marcus Garvey, We need our own. We need our own private sacred spaces. We need our own Amusement Parks, Our own, Movie theaters, Skating Rinks, Swimming Pools, Race Tracks, Sports Leagues and Arenas, Hotels, Beauty Products, Oil production, Shoestring and eyelet makers, Tires, E-Vehicles, furniture makers, Domestic products, Stoves, Refrigerators, Glass window makers, and Alternative building materials... 

Too often the dominant society will provide areas to corral Melinite peoples. a grocery store, for instance, built around the Afrikan American Community, is no different than tobacco, and liquor Convenience stores.  These stores are just gigantic vending machines of products that are not manufactured in the black community. Melinite people have been designated as the cash cows, of an alien society, and not the owners and controllers of their own destinies. We are still targeted and discouraged to shop in areas that we are residentially segregated from. We must be the producers and manufacturers of what we consume and use. 

E-book- $25 Cash App  $Sasteh

The first time I ever heard about Nomes or Saphat was from my life Partner Sasteh Meter Mosley, the Author of Nation Building How To, the Engineer of Amen Communications, and the Priest of Amen Par Ankh our KMT Spiritual Association, and CEO of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost)

The Police Cannot Be Reformed

  • For more than a century, activists in the United States have tried to reform the police. From community policing initiatives to increasing diversity, none of it has stopped the police from killing about three people a day. Millions of people continue to protest police violence because these "solutions" do not match the problem: the police cannot be reformed.
  • Becoming Abolitionists: Police, Protests, and the Pursuit of Freedom; by Purnell, Derecka states: “But the police were a placebo. Calling them felt like something, and something feels like everything when the other option seems like nothing."
I am not sharing a book report. I am speaking from my heart to leave a legacy for my Grandchildren, and my former students that have graduated from Kansas City Public schools. Together we can create something and everything for our families, Tribal affiliations, and community.

We must NEVER FORGET the struggle of the encounter with European invaders of the Americas who left a path of Enslavement, Genocide, Reconstruction Disenfranchisement, Jim Crow Laws, Sundown Laws, Segregation, Red Lining, Voter Suppression, KKK Domestic Terrorism, Lynching, The Devils Punch Bowl, Destruction of thriving and successful Black Economic Towns, Medical Segregation, Co-Intel-Pro, Heroin, Cocaine, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Mass Incarceration, Mis-Education-School-to-prison Pipeline. 


Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

*Managing Partner of a Woman-owned Minority Contractor Business to *Own Our Own Businesses: 

*Executive Director of our Micro-Economic Organization for *Mentorship, Economic Development and Resources: 

*Director and Educational Resource Support to *Educate Our Own Children: 
Amen Ankh Akademy  

Artist and Designer
Adenike's Arts Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I hope you enjoy our presentations. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach. Please support our initiatives...

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu aka  Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. 

The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) 

To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism, and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and Mentorship. *Nome= 5 Klans=5 Families. emwotkc@gmail.com Call: 816-281-7704

Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST Conscious Community. Our Mission We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and the Environment. We are a Ma'afia a "Healthy Place To Live" 

Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth-gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704