SMH… Just a "Heads" Up; Caucasian Men Are Buying Black-Faced Silicone Masks and Skin Covers For A Very Disturbing Reason Posted On: 12/31/2017 Facebook - There’s a disturbing post on Facebook that has many people in an uproar. Apparently, there’s a company selling realistic silicone masks but guys aren’t buying them for Halloween or other recreational purposes. Caucasian guys are reportedly taking “blackface” to a whole new level. These realistic masks are being used to commit crimes and blame them on African-American males. Disturbing Creations: In a Facebook video uploaded on Friday, December 29, a man is filmed dressed as a bald-headed African-American man with a beard. At first glance, you see a black man, but with a closer look, you can definitely see the truth. The person is wearing what he described as a dermal-synthetic mask. The man admitted he wasn’t wearing makeup to cover the areas below his eyelids but he was wearing brown contacts to match the mask’s skin color. He also revealed a new feature – arm covers to match the skin tone of the mask. If you look closely, you can also see the skin cover on his right forearm is tattooed, presumably to make the appearance more realistic.
However, a few social media users viewed the situation from a different perspective. Cops will shoot them, thinking… I’ve said enough. — December 28, 2017 The Company’s Response: The latest social media stir about the masks follows a previous LA Times report where Rusty Slusser, owner of SPFX Masks, shared his reaction to the gradual increase in crimes being committed by suspects wearing the type of realistic masks his company creates. At the time, law enforcement agencies had just begun facing heightened difficulties with profiling suspects due to the realistic masks making them harder to identify. “We’re proud of the fact that our masks look real, but I’m not proud of the way they were used,” said Slusser, a 39-year-old former makeup artist. “We’re very embarrassed this has happened. We were shocked that this happened.” With continued technological advancement, criminals may become even more difficult to identify which could lead to more incidents of racial profiling. Sadly, more African-American males could be subjected to altercations with police over crimes they did not commit.

The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Re-gentrification, and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Macro Economics and create home-grown, Green Sustainable solutions, for businesses. Education and service excellence. To inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person at a time. To promote and foster the highest ethical relationships between businesses and the public consumer.
We must NEVER FORGET how Melinite People were vilified in the formulation of the United States and globally to be targeted for genocide. The Civil Rights movement was established to offset the genocide of Afrikan Americans after the Emancipation Proclamation and the Native American removal programs. Before the Emancipation Proclamation, Many of the darker complected Native Nationals were segregated and sold into enslavement. During the Reconstruction period after the Civil War, Assimilation schools were established to train Natives and Afrikan Americans to conform and work within the United States system after the Reconstruction period. They called them "Kill the Native and save the man." The United States established Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws that were designed to incarcerate and divide people of color. Native Americans were reassigned from their more than 500 tribes and nations into "5 Civilized Tribes."At that point, many of the darker complected national members were segregated out of the Nation and relegated to "Freedmen." This was a way to further disenfranchised African Americans and other Darker complected Indigenous peoples from acquiring their own resources and sovereignty.

The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Re-gentrification, and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Macro Economics and create home-grown, Green Sustainable solutions, for businesses. Education and service excellence. To inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person at a time. To promote and foster the highest ethical relationships between businesses and the public consumer.
A *Nome= 5 Klans= 5/25 Family Tribes.
Eco-Nome-ics is a family Based system. This means that we build, create, manufacture, to establish products, specialized Services, Crafts, and skills from the resources in the Ecology of nature and the land. In the United States Black bodies are the human capital and Black Gold Standard. Our raw Gifts and Talents are created and exploited.