Paseo Fiasco of Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd
by, Adenike AmenRa· Tuesday, March 19, 2019
I am challenged by what would motivate a nearsighted collection of people of Afrikan descent, to serve as renegers alongside Tea Party MAGA hats to destroy the unification and representation of this beautiful boulevard Paseo being renamed The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. BLVD!? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street signs are celebrated in EVERY major 1st tier metropolitan city in the United States, to represent the legacy of Unity and Equality. For Missouri to have the history of being the Heartbeat of the United States, yet one of the last pro-enslavement states to dismantle inequality through the Emancipation Proclamation. I am calling out the Uncle Tom Bufoonery and Cronyism that is blatantly amiss.
By The way, "The Paseo" is only a Spanish word for “passage.” or "the walkway". So I ask; A Passage or walkway to WHAT exactly? Historically, the Paseo was "whitewashed by The Gentry of its beginnings. Meyer Established a Beautification Committee essentially for moving the Red-light district away from the Churches in this area, further north into the segregated neighborhood of African Americans. Even further in history, Paseo De La

This situation reminds me of one of the most atrocious reprehensible acts of United States domestic terrorism, which has still yet to receive indictment or successful demand for full compensation of atonement and/or reparations. This act was the Tuskegee Syphilis clinical trial, where Caucasian U.S. Doctors injected live syphilis into unsuspecting African American men in the South, then released them into the population of an equally unsuspecting community of African descendant families… Yet, as heinous and insidious that this vile act directed against people of Afrikan Descent was, the Doctors who played their roles in this unethical, foul poisoning, slow torture, and homicide of these men for over 40 years, would not have succeeded without the dedicated assistance and rally of their hired hound and sheepdog, none other than “Nurse” Eunice Rivers Laurie! For every effort that the Clinical trial victims used to escape from their torture- Nurse Rivers had a new and innovative way to return her charges back to the fold.
Now we have many who shroud the spirit and personality of Nurse Rivers, of the Tuskegee Clinical experiment, who stands in photo ops with Caucasian Bigots and ignorant Black followers, wearing the façade of leadership titles, to secure the façade of compliance with the status quo of old guard racist policies, of redlining, Gentrification, and Jim Crowism. Now Nurse Rivers personified, speaks to point her finger at implied political underhanded tactics, while rallying behind MAGA Hats and naive followers, as an underhanded political tactic to glean popularity with, and to pander to Caucasian voters… To this day, many caucasians still reject and despise Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, refusing to even acknowledge his holiday, let alone the inclusion of his work as a pristine national and international historical legacy.
YET, HATERS HATE! SHAME ON YOU! Instead of MAGA Hats luring ignorant Black people into reneging on the new MLK street sign, why not DO something positive for the people of African descent on the Boulevard for a change?! So, the black supporters of MAGA hats, want to sustain the old guard street signs, while the community conditions remain the same. To say that they want the boulevard to return to the name “The Passage” is to also imply that they want to return to maintaining the status quo and business-as-usual. They want the return/continuation of racism/white supremacy, disenfranchisement, inequality, and the indirect redlining of people of African descent, who are presently the ignorant bystanders and local renters. Few are tax-paying residents. These same Afrikan Americans who are STILL refused bank loans for homes and home improvements, and business loans for Black-owned businesses, And STILL subjected to racial profiling, leading to police abuse against their human rights, and continued miscarriage of Justice on people of Afrikan descent. These same Afrikan Americans who STILL suffer the continuation of Mis-Education and the school-to-prison pipeline of “right-sized” schools, particularly in the midtown Kansas City areas, perpetuating the legacy of racist malpractices.

Why do some of these Black Politicians refuse to support the direct needs and agenda of Black people? Why is that a "Hands Off" intention of political pendants? They know that Multiculturalism has never worked for people of African Descent or has met the needs of our specific cultural agenda. We are always the odd man out unless we completely sell out and assimilate with the status quo. It seems that anytime Black people dare to stand equally to Caucasians in Kansas City, We get push-back... To think that DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. was publicly assassinated for daring to be "David" standing against the "Goliath" of the likes of Jesse Clyde Nichols, the Pederasts, and the Trumans, etc., that still perpetuates a racist economic class of the “good ol’ boys” of white supremacy- and the remaining segregation and inequality of Black economics in jobs, in City Contracts, and in housing, and other resources!
By the way, THE PASEO WAS HISTORICALLY WITHIN THE RED-LINED AREAS AGAINST HOMEOWNERSHIP FOR PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT! (And there are STILL areas that are designated for white-only ownership on the west side of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd! So, the REAL reason these MAGA hats don't want an MLK Street sign is that they don't expect to see black people owning property and businesses, while living in the downtown and midtown areas of KC, in the future! Just like they ran off Black homeowners and shut down the Poor housing on 12th street, to build 71 highway, then ran off homeowners and Black businesses for the Prospect police station and forensic lab, destroyed Parade Park- (one of the first Black-owned Cooperative developments), and the defunding for the obliteration of the 18th and Vine Jazz/Baseball district...
Instead of reversing the changing of the MLK street sign- these Afrikan American pawns should get a petition for more Equality for people of African descent in KC, by garnering more Black Businesses and more Black ownership of COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS- not renters! More Caucasians should cross the still standing dividing lines of this racist city, and patronize the struggling Black businesses, on the east side of Paseo Boulevard. Give People of African Descent equal access to more construction contracts, and write petitions to empower more Children of African descent into STE-A-M occupations, while empowering them to return to their own neighborhoods, to repair and improve their own communities.
For the sake of our future generations, take off your MAGA Hats and Teardown imperialism! Tear down ALL white supremacy symbols, Teardown red-lining, and the impediments to business loans for people of African descent. Tear down Class-ism and Re-Gentrification! Tear down Patriarchal income barriers! East of Troost- East of Dr. Martin Luther King’s "Paseo" is STILL the most segregated, economically alienated neighborhoods, rampant with predatory businesses like- liquor stores, Pawnshops, Payday loan offices, Asian Beauty Salons, Drug Stores and Killer Monsatan(now Bayer) Fast-junk-food restaurants, than any other Ethnic neighborhood in greater Metro KC! This business planning continues to destroy the health, Well-being, and economic development of the Black community! Black people are not the owners of the stores in their own neighborhoods. And the Owners of these stores don’t live within our neighborhoods. So, Just like the police, these store owners take our black dollars and quickly leave our neighborhoods, and do not recirculate this money to foster economic growth or improvement. There is STILL a school-to-prison pipeline where the predominant population of Students (Black students) is taught by people that don't look like them, and or Don't dwell in the communities that they work in. Eastside of the Paseo- there is STILL the G.O.D.s (Guns- Oil and Drugs) (That we do not produce, grow or manufacture), yet somehow these G-O-Ds get into Kansas City neighborhoods from Vietnam, Mexico, Russia, Bolivia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, etc., to be shipped over to the U.S. across the borders, and delivered to our streets), killing people east/ midtown of The Paseo Boulevard. While they moved the Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction -toxic Beryllium reactor plant around impoverished people further south of The Paseo. "North KC-South KC Everywhere We've got Killer KC"- YEAH! I SAID IT!
I am so happy that the installation of the new Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd street signage IS A DONE DEAL on Blue Parkway! Let us move forward in dignity and honor for a job well done. This is a sterling example for our youth.
Let us overcome evil with good. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is now an International Icon! He is no longer solely a name recognized solely for African Americans, he is a role model for the world. Hats off to the true Kansas City leaders who stand on the future of equity and unity in the Kansas City community! The New DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Blvd is one of the most beautiful locations to give tribute to future racial Equality in Kansas City Missouri!
We salute our Children of Kansas City as future leaders! Let us end the in-fighting as adults.
My vision with Amen Par Ankh is to build a Nome Society of families that live in harmony with creation. From our ancient origins in Africa, our societies were built on a trade and bartering system. We supported Mind Body and Spirit to shape order with the seasons and environment. For example, the Brass maker family, for instance, would marry into the Cow Herding family, so they would create a harmony of Leather Products married with brass buckles, and metal cups to hold their cream. We must be Land and building OWNERS, not renters. We must have autonomy of our own resources, with food and water, and energy. We support Green sustainable initiatives like growing our own foods, windmills, solar panels, Seasonal ceremonies would call for social activities to produce the handmade finery that they would need... Empowering our youth to be entrepreneurs and producers through vocational Arts, and STE-A-M Sciences to promote the cultivation of their own foods and resources. Our youth need to be encouraged to return back to their own neighborhoods to share their knowledge and relationships and to be the Gentry. Imagine a city where there is no poverty? Culture IS Cultivation. #BlackFamiliesMatter #BlackCommunitiesMatter #BlackBusinessesMatter #Panther #AmenParAnkh #AmenAnkh , , ,
The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism, and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and service excellence. *Nome= 5 Klans=5 Families.