Wednesday, July 8, 2020

EMWOT Stands With the Black Community

EMWOT stands with the Black Community

EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost,) firmly believes that racism, white supremacy, white privilege, manifest destiny, Assimilationist hatred, Paper and Cultural Genocide, Social Discrimination, microaggression, and inequity have no place in our world— Every person has the right to their pursuit of happiness, economic development, and constitutional, safety, full human rights as citizens of the United States, as well as human rights on this planet. Every person has a right to feel acknowledged, safe, seen, and heard.

We mourn the senseless killings, in this decade since 2020, of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and all of the historical victims of police brutality, and racial injustice across the country and around the world.  We want to be clear that we at EMWOT are firm in our belief that the lives of Black Families Matter too— and we stand for change, for justice, for Reparations, Atonement and for equity.

At the same time, we know that systemic racism, white privilege, and white supremacy is real. It is a pandemic,  It has been persistent, And it can’t be wished away.  If we want a better world, we ALL have to ACT to create it. 

Across history, we’ve seen that real progress often follows adversity, if it is addressed with intention and urgency.  Together we can and we must seize this moment—and sustain it into the future.

At EMWOT, we are committed to growing, learning, and evolving.  We have spent the last several weeks listening more closely and learning from voices all across this country and the world.  We have been intently focused on identifying immediate steps we can take for our team, our companies, and our communities.

We have long stood for equity, and Inclusion—and that will not change.  We are committed to supporting diverse markets with a diverse organization.  We are a stronger coalition because of the diverse talent, diverse backgrounds, and diverse experiences of our team today.

But we all need to do better.

So, we are making significant changes.  We will bring more talent and better representation into leadership roles through new programs and processes that improve how we recognize and reward people, and how we mentor or develop our talent to grow their careers.  Intentional steps like these are an important start, and they are just the beginning.  We will also work to deliver on plans to continue this conversation with our teams and educate them to ensure we have an inclusive workplace. We are always about establishing programs to support Black businesses and community building across the country.   We recognize that we have an opportunity and the responsibility to take even more action—and we will.

EMWOT remains committed to keeping families, colleagues, and businesses connected during this complex and historic time.  While we do that, we will embrace this moment to use our position to help make change a reality.  We are listening and learning, and we accept the challenge to do more and to make a difference.

As a society and as a company, we simply must do better.  We’ve started this important work, and we’ll keep it real 
until real change is accomplished, and beyond.  That’s our commitment.

We are for you.  We are with you.
King Kihei, President
Sasteh Meter Mosley, CEO
Nuta Beqsu AmenRa, Executive Director

The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Green-Nomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism, and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and service excellence. *Nome= 5 Klans=25 Families= (5 family tribes/units).

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Open Letter to Mayor Quinton Lucas and the City Council of Kansas City International

Kansas City International

Kansas City International: 

Addressing the City Council of 2019 Specific to Mayor Quinton Lucas, Katheryne Shields 4th District-at-Large, Melissa Robinson 3rd In-District, Brandon Ellington 3rd District-at-Large, Lee Barnes Jr. 5th District-at Large,  Ryana Parks-Shaw 5th-In-District

Adenike AmenRa· Wednesday, March 4, 2020


*I AM a Teacher, Grandparent, Artist and Urban Farmer, living in the 3rd District 64130, exercising the right to farm Ordinance Chapter 88-312. I have lived with my students in the Kansas City Public School District. I am a 15 year, retired K-12 Special Education Community Activist, Artist, Writer/Essayist/Poet, KMT Minister, and a Black Woman-Owned business partner. I am a park-and-rider now living on a fixed income of Social Security and Medicare and I care for other bus riders: an adult family member and a Disabled Veteran. 
I really appreciate using the onboard WiFi and charge my phone directly during my ride time! I truly believe that these busses are safely lowering our carbon footprint!

*WE Ask that you SUPPORT ZERO FARE TRANSIT to open the pathway for healthy and safe neighborhoods and move us into a green sustainable future! ZERO FARE TRANSIT works for walkers and bike riders and park-and- ride commuter services. I am a Senior bus rider, and I encourage family members  who are challenged by disabilities to be able to make safe passage to Activities, Jobs and Doctor visits.  I used to be a bike rider and I loved being able to use the bus anchor for my bike. The Zero-fare transit system is also convenient for Mother's with small children, and Students, it would be so refreshing to not have to count and hold onto change for bus fare, or be embarrassed or humiliated with the scrutiny of displaying a Medicare card to justify a bus pass discount. Public accessibility and safety is pinnacle for ALL Kansas City residence. 

I once encountered a man who had just got out of prison. He didn’t have a mask and was being turned away. I was able to share my extra mask so that he could get a ride to residential services. I felt so blessed, because I have loved ones, and I know that there are so many people out here who have no one to help them. 

A community is rated by the quality of care of the weakest members. Accessibility and safety is very important. Yes, a bus ride to find a safe place to escape abuse and  for the homeless to receive resources can be pinnacle to lowering crime in greater Kansas City and establish Her as a Model City in the United States!

We have an international airport- let's have an international transit system!

We are EMWOT (East Meets West Of Troost), a micro Economic Development Organization. We also have a Property Management service We have established our business associates: King Kihei and Kingpen coalition, Derrison Palea, President, and Amen Communications, Amen Ankh AKademy BotaniKa with Adenike Amen-Ra Managing Partner, Executive Director, and Engineer, CEO, Kenneth L. Mosley .

  #EMWOTKC #AmenComm #AmenAnkh 

Kenneth L. Mosley is the CEO of EMWOT as well as my partner and Engineer with Amen Communications. We are a Women Minority Partnership. We work with Green sustainable initiatives, Recycling, Solar energy, Composting, Energy conservation, Security Lighting, Cameras, and more IT Installation Contracting. 

Ken Mosley has dedicated his life to the Eastside Urban Kansas City Area in Electrical Engineering, specializing in IT Installations. He has served as a Navy Veteran, working as a Submarine Nuclear Reactor Operator and U.S. Navy Flight Officer. 

To the City Council of Kansas City, Missouri

*We also ask that you please support COMMUNITY POLICING over more police officers, to empower our own residents, and Council of Elders, for management of minor disputes, neighborhood watch, and local security patrol. To implement more safe-spaces and houses, for victims, more community activism and patrol initiatives for recycling and cleanup. For instance; (Tire collection and shredding sites, Pothole patrols, Urban Green business community enterprises and Greenhouse production, Food composting collection patrols, etc. These venues and Centers will be able to provide Youth chaperones, and be able to receive, report, and process dangerous situations and zones, )

*We ask that you please support more recycling initiatives like SMALL Local food composting, and repurposing buildings, and using warehouses and their rooftops for Growing foods as a Local bio-security zone. We need more state-of-the-art Solar and wind energy fixtures embedded into new construction. and hiring and training our own local residents as section 3 local workers to implement this process.

*We would like to see the City Council approve more recreation and cultural centers in the 3rd district, that are locally owned by Black people or cooperatively owned (Movie Theaters, tourist attractions, Cultural Art and performance arts centers and museums, Amusement Parks, Skating Rinks, Bowling, Dancing, Convention Centers, and other Recreational spaces for the local people of the 3rd district. Every Summer, Our youth are like a ticking time bomb, with very few resources and variety for recreation. They need local accessible and safe places to socialize, and outlets for exercise and physical fitness and not re-gentry capitalist exploiters of the African American community. 

Kansas City, Missouri has played their role in the history of Redlining, segregation, and racism/white supremacy. We are presently surrounded by Businesses with owners who don't look like us, or don't have as their agenda, favor for our Black people, yet our dollars never recirculate back into our community for enrichment. These businesses don't represent our best interests. Fast food restaurants sell unhealthy foods, Liquor/cigarettes stores sell addiction and dependency. 

We need to have more Support for Urban Agriculture. We are under siege by city ordinance inspectors who refuse to acknowledge the Urban Agricultural ordinance Chapter 88-312. Anyone should be able to grow food-Not-Lawns in an effort to promote access to food, Healing, and Health conscious Black businesses, known as Home cottage industry, that are owned by our own neighborhood residents, along with buildings and cottage home industries for manufacturing and production. THIS WILL STOP THE KILLING. Black Americans are dying first from Heart Attacks, Strokes, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Cancers- BEFORE Homicide!

*Please support Black Lives- Family initiatives. Historically Black youth and Black Businesses were systematically Racially Profiled and pushed out of The Power and Light District. (We held a White T-Shirts and Cultural Dress Codes protest back in 2010.) Every summer, Our youth of Afrikan descent, are still shoved out of the Westport and the Plaza areas, just for choosing to go to the movies or eat some ice cream. Kansas City , Missouri was the last slave state to acknowledge the Emancipation Proclamation. Kansas City also has a history of Jim Crow Laws, Segregation, Redlining, and hostile, nefarious, and blatant racism in business practices, Banking, Business Ownership, Real Estate, Insurance practices, Construction contracts, Employment, as well as Education. People of African Descent need more recreation centers in the 3rd district, that are locally owned or cooperatively owned by the People of Afrikan descent. We need our ownership of (Movie Theaters, tourist attractions, Cultural Arts and performance arts centers, museums, Amusement Parks, Skating Rinks, Bowling, Dancing, Convention Centers, and other Recreational spaces for the local people of the 3rd district. 

We need to see more health conscious businesses that are Black owned by our own neighborhood residents, along with buildings and cottage home industries for manufacturing and production.

*Instead of teaching our youth to leave the hood, EMWOT, Amen Ankh Enterprises, and Amen Communications teaches our youth to be the caretakers of their neighborhoods, and become the Re-Gentry for the next generation by supporting Land ownership, Business ownership, and Entrepreneurs. We are establishing Homeschool Networks and Adult Communiversities in STE-A-M Education, through local Recycling and Urban Agricultural initiatives. It should be mandatory that Section 8 housing and Rental properties be state-of-the-art, with proper exterior insulation, Energy efficient appliances and fixtures, and Green Solar and Wind Energy alternatives. The Utility monopiles are having a field day ripping off and over charging the poor public residents, only to provide free energy to the corporate private and wealthy. EMWOT stands for East Meets West of Troost. Troost has a history of being the racial dividing line for Kansas City, Missouri. 

King o da HOOD

*We are creating positive pathways to heal ourselves from trauma through Cultural Arts, Urban Agriculture; STEAM Careers, including Vocational Arts.

I know We can create our own local, Green Sustainable, Black Cooperative owned Businesses right here in the 3rd District and all over Metro KC! #AmenAnkh #AmenCommunications #EMWOT #HealthIsWealth #FeedYourselfFreeYourself #UrbanFarming #NationBuildingHowTo #IBelieveInQ

Nation Building How To:, By Sasteh Meter Mosley -25

The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community Green-Nome* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism, and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and service excellence. *Green-Nome= 5 Klans=25 Families (5-family networks).

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

EMWOT- The Art of Economic Development with the GREEN GRIOT -on RIDE-KC

EMWOT- The Art of Economic Development with the GREEN GRIOT -on RIDE-KC 

EMWOT-East Meets West of Troost- The ART OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT with The Green Griot- Sasteh Meter and Nuta Beqsu- Adenike AmenRa

We are live at East Meets West Of Troost (EMWOT)

We are recording because We're Right Here
Walking off of the Linwood Shopping Center

(Park and Ride) to Enter the Prospect Max Bus.
We can just walk right on in, they have a nice little cover to cover the moneymaking part... as you can see here it's covered up.

Meaning NO FARE! For the rest of indefinite.

We are headed down to the city to connect with the City Council Members

(Adenike "NUTA" AmenRa) who is here to review the KC transportation system.

(SASTEH Kenneth Mosley) We've got an INFRASTRUCTURE Meeting today, Downtown City Hall. This is a Great time because Today they are Gonna
be Coming out of committee with the Environmental standards for the City.

Setting the amount of EMISSIONS and the
amount of traffic we're gonna have and seeing what we can do in the city to reduce the POLLUTION.

Alot of the ENVIRONMENTAL forces talk about a thing called TAILPIPE COMMUNITIES,

where you put a road right in the middle of the city where all of the fumes from all of the
transport going back and forth, this leads to asthma and to High Ozone alerts being more difficult
because of all of the pollution.

So we as a city have an opportunity today, to not
only talk about it but be about setting some stricter guidelines for ourselves

And one of the key things that we can do to reduce all of our emissions and so forth is by actually passing the ZERO FARE initiative and getting our people on these natural gas busses.

So now we have a new PROSPECT MAX, TROOST MAX AND MAIN MAX express bus service. I can go to the International airport on the bus!

So that we can actually keep our air cleaner.

and help take some of the health burden off of the local residents.

That's what we're headed down to do.


So again, we are live and direct East Meets West of Troost- EMWOT the Art of Economic Development. 

I am one of the Co-Hosts/Producers, Adenike AmenRa also known as Nuta Beqsu. 

You've just been speaking with Ken (Sasteh) Mosley, he is the Green Griot of Kansas City

He introduced me to the Local Urban Agriculture Agenda Chapter 88-312  for Kansas City 

Right-to-farm where your property is exempt from business zoning restrictions

You can actually Grow your own foods in your front yard and sell your tomatoes or whatever you grow to your neighbor

without any restrictions for zoning

And that there are very specific farm objectives for local URBAN FARMING. 


So we actually have an herbal garden growing in our front yard

Where we actually promote the objectives of green SUSTAINABLE living on our property.

Most people think of the objective of a community garden

where people get a plot of land and they just have a section where they can grow their own food on.

But the idea of independently, each person having a Victory garden where they can grow

or using the available lot next to their house, to grow their own foods

Also being able to sell the seedlings, be able to sell their vegetables that come from that harvest.


and the Idea of fostering economic development.

STE-A-M -There are young children who are being entrepreneurs because they are learning biology/Science by growing the foods, 

They are understanding multiplication/ Mathematics because one seed can multiply into an abundance of HARVEST!

And Just the Ideas of watching the incremental phases. 

You have to have the sun. You have to have the Water

You have to have the right soil. You have to have the right nutrients

Those kinds of objectives are what children are learning in Biology

We have a You G.R.O.W.W. Girl program

We have a YOU-G.R.O.W.W Girl program where we work with Girls

In vocational arts, Biology, Sciences

We also have a YOUTH GROWING GREEN Program 

Where we work with the Community of Young People

So, Young people can come to our Farm to Learn and Earn!

I was a teacher with the Kansas City School District, 

So I take my knowledge to the streets. Directly to the community

While we're riding on the bus- we can take our show on the road!

Not have to worry about texting and driving- or watching the

i'm Saving Fuel and Parking fees.

I Parked at the Linwood Shopping Center and Jumped on the Bus!

Now we can bike-and-ride with the safety of our soon-come bike trails we can add our bikes to 5he bike rack in front of the bus an complete our destination all over the city!

So We will meet again at City Hall- Thank you!

EMWOT East Meets West of Troost- The Art of Economic Development, With The Green Griot-SASTEH METER

The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and service excellence. *Nome= 5 Klans=5 Families.