Monday, January 18, 2021

Media Record of Civil Rights

US Media Records of Civil Rights

May 17, 1954 - LOWELL THOMAS and the NEWS (CBS RADIO NEWS) - Today's decision by the Supreme Court to end racial segregation in schools is called the most important action of its kind since the emancipation proclamation.

Nov. 11, 1956 - DOUGLAS EDWARDS AND THE NEWS (CBS-TV) - Negro boycott in Montgomery, Alabama over busing segregation. Martin Luther King protests.

Dec. 26, 1956 - NBC NEWS - Alabama desegregation on buses delayed.

Dec. 30, 1956 - BIG NEWS OF '56 (CBS-TV) - Racial problems in the South. Clinton High School, Tennessee. Desegregation riots, interviews with Negroes and Whites.

Sept. 5, 1957 - DOUGLAS EDWARDS AND THE NEWS - Racial crisis in Little Rock. President Dwight Eisenhower to confront Gov. Faubus of Arkansas.

Sept. 10, 1957 - CBS NEWS - (RON COCHRAN) - Government to remove National Guardsmen blocking integration at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Sept. 23, 1957 - NBC NEWS BULLETIN - President Eisenhower signs a proclamation to permit him to send federal troops to Little Rock.

Sept. 23, 1957 - NBC NEWS - (BOB WILSON) - Whites riot against Negro students at Little Rock's Central High School.

Sept. 24, 1957 - EDWARD R. MURROW NEWS - WCBS - President federalizes Arkansas National Guard. Orders Troops to Little Rock as racial crisis continues. Troops under command of General Edwin Walker.

Sept. 24, 1957 - PRESIDENT EISENHOWER TALKS TO THE NATION FROM THE WHITE HOUSE regarding Little Rock crisis. NBC TV newsmen review and evaluate speech, including David Brinkley, Frank McGee, Richard Harkness.

Dec. 29, 1957 - CBS YEAR END REVIEW OF 1957 - Segregation...riots in Little Rock.

Sept. 19, 1958 - CBS NEWS - (WALTER CRONKITE) - Little Rock teacher will give TV courses. Students want High Schools to reopen regardless of integration. Martin Luther King stabbed in chest in New York City.

Dec. 28, 1958 - CBS BIG NEWS OF 1958 - Integration Problems during 1958. Hosted by Walter Cronkite.

Aug. 9, 1959 - BARRY GRAY NEWS COMMENTARY - "Harlem Slums" discussed by Boro President Hulan Jack.

Dec. 27, 1959 - CBS BIG NEWS OF 1959 - Howard K. Smith commentary on segregation.

July 12, 1960- NEWS - Democratic Convention fight looms over Civil Rights. Conflict on Civil Rights Platform.

May 20, 1961 - CBS NEWS - (HARRY REASONER) - Riots in Montgomery, Alabama against Negro Freedom Riders.

May 20, 1961 - HAVANA CUBA RADIO - Montgomery racial crisis.

Aug. 15, 1962 - NEWS - Negro anti-segregation leaders active in Albany, Georgia.

Sept. 11, 1962 - NBC NEWS - Two Negro girls shot in Mississippi.   

Sept. 17, 1962 - CBS NEWS - (DOUGLAS EDWARDS) - Four White men confess to burning Negro Church.

Sept. 30, 1962 - ABC NEWS BULLETIN - President Kennedy to delay nationwide broadcast on Mississippi racial crisis for 2 hours.

Sept. 30, 1962 - PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ADDRESSES THE NATION ON THE CRISIS IN MISSISSIPPI. Governor Barnett of Mississippi refuses to register Negro James Meredith at Mississippi University.


Sept. 30, 1962 - HOWARD K. SMITH - News and commentary on Mississippi crisis.

Oct. 1, 1962 - WOR / NBC NEWS - Meredith registers at Mississippi University. Rioting on campus by students and outsiders.

Oct. 1, 1962 - WNBC SPECIAL REPORT FROM MISSISSIPPI - Leon Pearson late news and commentary.

Dec. 31, 1962 - NEWS ANALYSIS & PREDICTIONS FOR 1963 - HOWARD K. SMITH commentary on Integration.

Feb. 3, 1963 - ABC RADIO'S VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - (Weekly review of the major news stories of the past week with reports from the field). Negro student James Meredith decides to continue at Mississippi University.

March 31, 1963 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Racial violence in Greenwood, Mississippi as Negroes try to register. Sen. Ellender says Negroes need Whites to govern them both in Africa and the United States.

April 7, 1963 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Negroes stage protests in the South. They seek voter registration tests. Dick Gregory comments.

April 7, 1963 - NBC TV SPECIAL REPORT - Negro protest demonstration in Birmingham, Alabama.

April 7, 1963 - CBS WEEKEND NEWS - Negroes demonstrate as they march to City Hall in Birmingham, Alabama. Police dogs disperse Negroes.

April 14, 1963 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Negro demonstrators in Birmingham. Martin Luther King is jailed.

April 25, 1963 - NBC NEWS - Suspect arrested in murder of White integrationist in Alabama. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy meets Alabama Governor George Wallace. Pickets protest against Kennedy.

April 25, 1963 - CBS RADIO'S WORLD TODAY - (Weekly review of the major news stories of the past week with reports from the field). Killing of William Moore, a race crusader, while walking in Gadsen, Alabama. Wallace comments on RFK visit.

May 2, 1963 - NEWS - Police arrest 450 children in Birmingham race demonstrations.

May 3, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Racial crisis in Birmingham. Fire hoses and dogs turned on the Negro protest marchers.

May 6, 1963 - NBC NEWS - 750 Negroes, including comedian Dick Gregory, arrested in Birmingham racial crisis. Congressman Adam Clayton Powell predicts blood letting in Washington.

May 7, 1963 - CBS NEWS - Further racial strife in Birmingham, Alabama. Comment from Jackie Robinson.

May 9, 1963 - BARRY GRAY SHOW (WMCA RADIO) - Rev. Walker, Negro minister from Birmingham, Alabama talks about the current racial crisis in that city.

May 12, 1963 - WBAI PUBLIC RADIO - Report from Birmingham on current Negro / White crisis in that city. Washington observes the situation closely.

May 13, 1963 - CBS NEWS - 3000 federal troops sent by President Kennedy to Birmingham to quell riots. Governor George Wallace protests US interference. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy comments.

May 13, 1963 - BARRY FARBER SHOW (RADIO) - Debate between conservative Frank Meyer & liberal Henry Adler on current racial strife.

May 14, 1963 - HAPPY DAY IN BIRMINGHAM (SPECIAL) - Martin Luther King and other Negro leaders celebrate their partial victory over segregation policies in Birmingham, Alabama.

May 14, 1963 - NEWS SPECIAL REPORT - Dick Gregory released from jail; he talks to followers in Birmingham, Alabama.

May 14, 1963 - NEWS (EDUCATIONAL RADIO NETWORK) - Alabama's Governor George Wallace charges US interference. Negroes charge police brutality. Interview with CORE director, James Farmer.

May 16, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Racial crisis and demonstrations in the South. Report from Birmingham.

May 18, 1963 - WBAI PACIFICA RADIO DOCUMENTARY: "FREEDOM NOW" - Tape recordings on the streets in Birmingham, Alabama by Dale Miner. Many interviews and actuality moments.

May 18, 1963 - WBAI NEWS WITH ROBERT POTTS - Latest news on racial crisis.

May 19, 1963 - WHN RADIO - "NEW YORK SPEAKS OUT." Debate on the segregation crisis in Alabama.

May 26, 1963 - NEWS - James Meredith tells of decisions to enroll at Mississippi University. Congressman Adam Clayton Powell comments on segregation in Alabama.

May 31, 1963 - CBS NEWS - President Kennedy will send Congress his Civil Rights pact. Negroes plan demonstrations in Florida.

June 3, 1963 - MEET THE PRESS (NBC) - Governor George Wallace is interviewed.


June 4, 1963 - NEWS SPECIAL: "WHITE SOUTHERNERS OF BIRMINGHAM." White segregationists speak out.

June 7, 1963 - NBC NEWS - Alabama prepares for possible involvement of Negroes at Alabama University.

June 8, 1963 - ABC NEWS - Negro protests in Alabama. Violence in the South (Lexington).

June 9, 1963 - LETS FIND OUT - Reporters query Malcolm X, the Black Muslim leader.

June 9, 1963 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Review of the week's news. Fred Foy narrates.

June 10, 1963 - NEWS - George Wallace to defy US government on Negro enrollment at Alabama University. Wallace promises to be at door to bar Negroes.

June 11, 1963 - NBC SPECIAL: "ALABAMA STORY." Alabama Governor George Wallace stands at the door to bar Negro admittance to Alabama University. President Kennedy talks on Civil Rights.


June 11, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Civil Rights Crisis in Alabama. Governor Wallace vs. United States Government.

June 12, 1963 - NEWS - NAACP leader Medgar Evers assassinated in Mississippi. Comment by Martin Luther King. Picketing in New York City over racial labor discrimination.

June 12, 1963 - BARRY GRAY SHOW (WMCA RADIO) - Gray and others comment on President Kennedy's Civil Rights speech and other Civil Rights matters.

June 14, 1963 - NEWS - Negroes plan protest march in Washington DC. Funeral services for Evers to be held tomorrow.

June 16, 1963 - NEWS - Racial strife in the South.

June 16, 1963 - DEBATE - "CIVIL RIGHTS IN CONGRESS." Senator Ellender vs. Senator Javits of New York.

June 17, 1963 - NEWS - Medgar Evers to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery. President Kennedy will send congress his Civil Rights legislation.

June 17, 1963 - CBS TV SPECIAL - "SUMMER OF DISCONTENT." Documentary examines current racial crisis in Harlem, New York.

June 18, 1963 - NEWS - President Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy try to ward off racial demonstrations.

June 23, 1963 - NEWS - Byron de La Beckwith charged with ambush of Medgar Evers. Negroes plan freedom march in Detroit.

June 23, 1963 - CBS NEWS - Negro hating Byron de La Beckwith jailed for Medgar Ever's murder. Negro demonstrations in Mississippi. "Freedom Walk" in Detroit. Ku Klux Klan rally in Georgia. Speech by White segregationist.

June 24, 1963 - PERSPECTIVES (PBS) - THE NEGRO AND THE AMERICAN PROMISE." Comments by Negro leaders including, Martin Luther King, James Baldwin, & Malcolm X. Moderator- Dr. Kenneth Clark.


June 24, 1963 - CBS NEWS (DOUGLAS EDWARDS) - Malcolm X states that Whites want to corrupt Harlem. Louisville makes progress in integration.

June 26, 1963 - WORLD TODAY (RADIO) - Current Civil Rights issues.

June 28, 1963 - BARRY FARBER SHOW (RADIO) - Interview with Malcolm X.

June 29, 1963 - NEWS - Negro leaders, including Malcolm X speak out at rallies.


July 7, 1963 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES (Weekly ABC Radio review of news of the week).

July 7, 1973 - "UNFINISHED REVOLUTION" - President John F. Kennedy's many verbal quotations regarding Negro discrimination.

July 9, 1963 - NBC NEWS (HUNTLEY & BRINKLEY) - President Kennedy mobilizes support for his Civil Rights legislation.

July 11, 1963 - NEWS - Race riot in Cambridge, Maryland.
July 12, 1963 - NEWS - Governor Burnett of Mississippi accuses Martin Luther King as attending a Communist School in Tennessee.

July 12, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Voices from the South. Governor Burnett on Negroes and Civil Rights.

July 13, 1963 - EDITORIAL PAGE CONFERENCE (RADIO) - John Wingate moderates topics for discussion including Civil Rights.

July 14, 1963 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Racial demonstrations in Cambridge, Maryland. Negroes protest segregation in New York City diner. Senate hearings on Civil Rights. Comments by Sec. of State Dean Rusk, Sen. Thurmond, Gov. Barnett of Mississippi, who attacks Kennedy's proposed March on Washington- blames Communists in Civil Rights activities.

July 15, 1963 - NEWS - Sit-in continues at White Castle diner. Comments from James Farmer.

July 15, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Governor George Wallace on Civil Rights resents Martin Luther King and his "Pro - Communists."

July 18, 1963 - NEWS - Civil Rights Bill Senate Hearings.

July 20, 1963 - CLOSE-UP NEWS - Negro rally in Brooklyn to organize a sit-in, in segregated construction projects.

July 22, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Roy Wilkins testifies for Civil Rights before Senate hearings.

July 23, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Attorney General Robert Kennedy testifies before Senate on Civil Rights.

July 26, 1963 - NBC NEWS (HUNTLEY & BRINKLEY) - Continued Senate hearings on Civil Rights.

July 26, 1963 - CBS LATE NEWS (MIKE WALLACE) - Another squabble on Civil Rights legislation.

July 30, 1963 - WORLD TODAY - Senate committee on Civil Rights bill. Senator Robert Kennedy attacked.


Aug. 6, 1963 - NEWS - Civil Rights demonstrations.

Aug. 7, 1963 - NEWS - Congress will remain in session until Civil Rights bills are passed.

Aug. 10, 1963 - NEWS - White Castle diners to employ more Negroes. Catholics to support August 28th Civil Rights March on Washington.


Aug. 11, 1963 - RADIO FREE DIXIE - South position on favoring segregation policies.

Aug 11, 1963 - ABC TV SPECIAL - "CRUCIAL SUMMER." Documentary on the Civil Rights crisis.

Aug. 26, 1963 - NEWS - Civil Rights protest in Mobile, Alabama.

Aug. 26, 1963 - WINS RADIO SPECIAL REPORT - Pre "March on Washington" preparations for the Civil Rights "March on Washington," planned for August 28th. Interviews with many leaders.

Aug. 28, 1963 - CIVIL RIGHTS MARCH ON WASHINGTON. All radio and television station coverage. Comments, interviews, speeches, entertainment.

Aug. 28, 1963 - NBC NEWS - Recap of events regarding "March on Washington." Complete replay of Martin Luther King's speech: "I Have a Dream."


Sept. 2, 1963 - CBS NEWS (DOUGLAS EDWARDS) - Civil Rights crisis in Tuskegee. Governor George Wallace against the United States Federal Government on integrated schools in Alabama.

Sept. 8, 1963 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - (Review of the Week's News including stories related to Civil Rights issues).

Sept. 9, 1963 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - An angry President Kennedy accuses Governor George Wallace on Civil Rights violations. State troopers bar Negroes at schools in Alabama.

Sept. 12, 1963 - CBS LATE NEWS WITH DOUGLAS EDWARDS - President Kennedy comments on progress of desegregation in Southern schools. Report from Birmingham where White students boycott in protest.

Sept. 12, 1963 - NBC NEWS (HUNTLEY & BRINKLEY) - Student rioters in Birmingham.

Sept. 15, 1963 - ABC NEWS REPORTS (BOB YOUNG) - Four girls killed in bombing of Negro Church in Birmingham.

Sept. 15, 1963 - CBS EVENING NEWS (HARRY REASONER) - Protest by Rev. Martin Luther King and followers regarding Church bombing in Birmingham.

Dec. 22, 1963 - CBS SPECIAL - "1963 TV ALBUM." Harry Reasoner looks back at news highlights of 1963...includes "MARCH ON WASHINGTON," and Martin Luther King's complete speech "I HAVE A DREAM."

Dec. 30, 1963 - NBC PROJECTION 1964 - Review of 1963 news stories hosted by Frank McGee, and others.

Jan. 1, 1964 - YEAR END REVIEW - Top news stories of 1963.

Jan. 1, 1964 - YEAR OF CRISIS - CBS TV correspondents report of recent events and their meaning for the year ahead.

Jan. 27, 1964 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Byron de La Beckwith goes on trial for the Medgar Evans slaying.

Feb. 6, 1964 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Adam Clayton Powell speaks in Cambridge, Maryland during crisis.


March 15, 1964 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Malcolm X separates from Muslims. Martin Luther King comments.

March 16, 1964 - ABC NEWS (BILL BEUTEL) - Malcolm X will fight for Civil Rights. Martin Luther King disputes Malcolm X's stand on "violence."

March 26, 1964 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Civil Rights Bill brought before Senate. Comments by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

April 19, 1964 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Civil Rights Bill still debated in the Senate. Comments from President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. Medgar Evers killer in hung jury. James Farmer comments. Other comments from Malcolm X and from Jackie Robinson.

May 28, 1964 - ABC NEWS REPORTS - "WHAT MAKES GEORGE WALLACE RUN?"- Special report on Governor George Wallace.

June 10, 1964 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Filibuster in the Senate on Civil Rights Bill. Comments by Humphrey, Goldwater, others.

June 19, 1964 - CBS NEWS (MARVIN KALB) - United States Senate passes Civil Rights Bill. Comments from Sen. Thurmond, President Johnson, Dr. Martin Luther King and Sen. Keating.

June 22, 1964 - NBC NEWS (HUNTLEY & BRINKLEY) - Racial disturbances at beach in Florida. In Mississippi, Civil Rights group train with Northern Whites to aid Negroes in South. Three Civil Rights workers missing in Mississippi (Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, M. Schwemer).

June 23, 1964 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Civil Rights workers missing.

June 23, 1964 - HOT LINE (WPIX-TV) - David Susskind interviews Rev. Coffin regarding the mysterious disappearance of three Civil Rights workers in Mississippi.

Aug. 24, 1964 - NBC NEWS - Adam Clayton Powell comments on racism in America.

Sept. 14, 1964 - WORLD TODAY - Parents protest & boycott school busing in New York.

Sept. 20, 1964 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - School busing problems reviewed.

Sept. 24, 1964 - NBC / CBS NEWS - Parents protest bussing. Comments at City Hall (NYC).

Oct. 14, 1964 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Martin Luther King wins Nobel Peace Prize. He comments.

Oct. 26, 1964 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Louis Lomax comments on the last hours of three White youths who were slain in Mississippi in June of 1964.

Oct. 27, 1964 - NBC NEWS (HUNTLEY & BRINKLEY) - Registration drive in Los Angeles conducted by Martin Luther King.

Dec. 6, 1964 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - FBI arrests suspects in three Civil Rights murders in June of 1964, in Mississippi.

Feb. 2, 1965 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Right to vote comments from President Johnson, Malcolm X, and Coretta King.

Feb. 2, 1965 - HOT LINE (DAVID SUSSKIND) - Malcolm X, answers questions about his movement. Also on the panel are Ossie Davis and John Henry Faulk. Live phone calls.

Feb. 2, 1965 - PETER JENNINGS AND THE NEWS (ABC) - Crisis in Selma. Negroes arrested on voter registration drive. Martin Luther King jailed. 4th TV broadcast by Jennings.

Feb. 7, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Lester Maddox fined for refusing to serve Negroes in his restaurant.

Feb. 14, 1965 - NEWS - Firebomb damages Malcolm X's home. Comments by Malcolm X, and from Martin Luther King. Selma registration drive begins tomorrow.

Feb. 19, 1965 - WABC RADIO NEWS - Racial violence in Alabama. 400 Negroes defy troopers. Reporters beaten.

Feb. 20, 1965 - WORLD THIS WEEK - Racial strife in Alabama.

Feb. 21, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Negro militants plot foiled to dynamite the Statue of Liberty, Washington Monument & the Liberty Bell. MALCOLM X SHOT.

Feb. 21, 1965 - ABC NEWS - Malcolm X shot dead at New York rally.

Feb. 21, 1965 - MUTUAL & WMCA RADIO NEWS - More on the Malcolm X assassination. Comments by many.

March 7, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Martin Luther King comments on Civil Rights Voting Rights. He states that he will march in Alabama.

March 7, 1965 - ABC NEWS (Radio) - Selma, Alabama crisis.

March 8, 1965 - PETER JENNINGS AND THE NEWS - Latest developments in Selma.

March 9, 1965 - CONTACT (WINS RADIO) - Rerun of a broadcast aired live on February 18, 1965. Interview with guest Malcolm X and others, three days before Malcolm X was assassinated.

March 14, 1965 - FACE THE NATION - Governor George Wallace is questioned.

March 14, 1965 - WNEW NEWS - Commentary regarding Selma crisis...fear and voting rights.

March 14, 1965 - RADIO MOSCOW - Commentary from Russia. "RACIAL TERROR IN USA." (broadcast picked up in New York- static quality, but discernable).

March 15, 1965 - ABC NEWS (BILL BUETEL) - Civil Rights issues. Malcolm X's half sister (Mrs. Collins) will take over the leadership of the Black Naturalists.

March 15, 1965 - HOWARD K. SMITH COMMENTARY - on forthcoming Civil Rights Bill.

March 15, 1965 - PETER JENNINGS AND THE NEWS - Selma to Montgomery march gets OK from Federal be led by Martin Luther King. President Johnson sends Voting Rights Bill to Congress.

March 18, 1965 - PETER JENNINGS AND THE NEWS - Civil Rights March to Montgomery to begin on Sunday. Governor Wallace protests.

March 21, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Negroes march in Selma. Registration drive protest.

March 21, 1965 - ABC NEWS - Selma to Montgomery march begins.

March 23, 1965 - ABC NEWS - Selma march in progress.

March 23, 1965 - CBS EVENING NEWS (HARRY REASONER) - Alabama Civil Rights marchers half-way to Montgomery.


March 25, 1965 - ABC NEWS WITH HOWARD K. SMITH - Martin Luther King marches in Montgomery, Alabama.

March 26, 1965 - CBS EVENING NEWS (HARRY REASONER) - White woman, in Selma to Montgomery, Alabama march, shot dead by the Ku Klux Klan. President Johnson announces the arrest of those responsible.

March 28, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Selma to Montgomery march. Comments by Martin Luther King, Andrew Young, Ralph Bunch, Whitney Young, and Governor George Wallace.

March 29, 1965 - PETER JENNINGS AND THE NEWS - Martin Luther King urges boycott of goods sold in Alabama.

March 30, 1965 - NBC 11th HOUR NEWS (FRANK McGEE) - Martin Luther King boycott in Alabama.

April 2, 1965 - WASHINGTON THIS WEEK (HARRY REASONER) - Martin Luther King's boycott of Alabama goods for Negro Voting Rights.

May 9, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Leroy Wilkens trial for Ku Klux Klan murders ends in mistrial by all White jury. CORE'S James Farmer discusses Civil Rights.

June 27, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - First anniversary of three Civil Rights workers in Mississippi missing (Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, Michael Schwemer). Comment from CORE'S Director James Farmer.

July 8, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - President Johnson discusses his own Civil Rights voting record.

Aug. 1, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Civil Rights demonstration in Chicago. Comments by Martin Luther King. Arrest of Civil Rights Negro in shooting of White man in Marian.

Aug. 6, 1965 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Justice Department will monitor nine counties to oversee voting registration.

Aug. 8, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - President Johnson signs into law Civil Rights Bill Allowing Negroes to vote. Comments by President Johnson, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, and CORE's Director James Farmer.

Aug. 13, 1965 - CBS MORNING NEWS (MIKE WALLACE) - Second night of Negro riots in Watts district of Los Angeles. One hundred people injured. Dick Gregory injured. Stores looted; cars burned by mobs.

Aug. 14, 1965 - NEWS - Third night of rioting in Watts. Fourteen people dead. National Guard sent to stem the rioting.

Aug. 15, 1965 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Riots in Watts, Los Angeles. Comment by Police Chief Parker. Death toll increases to twenty five. Comment from Governor of California, Pat Brown.

Aug. 15, 1965 - CBS SPECIAL - "THE LOS ANGELES RIOTS: WHO'S TO BLAME?" Host, Charles Kuralt.

Aug. 15, 1965 - RADIO PEKING - Commentary on Negro riots in Los Angeles.

Aug. 16, 1965 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Charles Collingwood reporting on the Watts Riots.

Jan. 1, 1966 - WBAI RETROSPECT ON MALCOLM X - Documentary in sound covering the years 1960-1965. Produced by Chris Kotch.

Jan. 1, 1966 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Ted Koppel on Civil Rights. 1965 Selma to Montgomery march with comments from Martin Luther King.

Jan. 16, 1966 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Julien Bond not allowed to take seat in the Georgia Legislature. Martin Luther King comments. Civil Rights protesters in Alabama.

Feb. 6, 1966 - SPEECH BY MARTIN LUTHER KING discussing poverty and unity.

June 6, 1966 - NEWS - James Meredith, civil rights worker, shot dead in Mississippi ambush.

June 6, 1966 - CBS NEWS - James Meredith killing.

June 6, 1966 - NBC NEWS - James Meredith not dead. Suffers only a slight wound. Martin Luther King calls for a Civil Rights march in Mississippi.

June 26, 1966 - NBC SPECIAL - Report on the Civil Rights march that followed in the wake of the shooting of James Meredith. Interviews with James Meredith, Stokely Carmichael, others. Host is Frank McGee.

July 17, 1966 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Martin Luther King comments on Chicago racial violence.

Dec. 8, 1966 - KKK RALLY - California rally by Ku Klux Klan. Speeches spurring out hate against Negroes using degrading language and vindictive "nigger" stereotyped similes to agitate and create furor.

Feb. 17, 1967 - CBS NEWS - President Johnson sends congress his Civil Rights proposal. Byron de La Beckwith (slayer of Medgar Evers) will run for Lt. Governor of Mississippi.

April 23, 1967 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Negroes protest in Kentucky.

May 7, 1967 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Martin Luther King comments while attending the Kentucky Derby.

June 11, 1967 - CBS SPECIAL: "AFTER CIVIL RIGHTS-BLACK POWER." Report on the nature of "Black Power," and how it can be effectively used. Interviews with" Martin Luther King, SNCC head Stokely Carmichael, Floyd McKissick of CORE, and Charles Evers. Reporter is Sander Vanocur.

July 2, 1967 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Racial violence breaks out in Negro ghetto in Buffalo, New York.

July 15, 1967- NEWS - Negro riots in Newark, New Jersey. Comments from Governor Hughes. On the spot reports.

July 16, 1967 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Racial rioting continues in Newark. Looting and destruction in "carnival" atmosphere.

July 23, 1967 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Ramsey Clark comments on the riots in Plainfield, New Jersey. Black Power conference comment by James Farmer & H. Rap Brown.

July 24, 1967 - CBS EVENING NEWS (HARRY REASONER) - Fourteen die in Detroit racial riots. Much damage and looting. National Guardsmen called. Comments by Sen. Dirkson.

July 25, 1967 - NEWS (FRED DARWIN) Radio coverage on more of the racial violence in Michigan. Twenty four dead in riots. Sen. Byrd urges quick justice against rioters. Commentary by Fred Darwin at the end of the report.

July 25, 1967 - CBS NEWS - More cities involved in racial riots, including New York City. Paratroopers ordered by President Johnson. Comments from H. Rap Brown and Martin Luther King.

July 26, 1967 - CBS NEWS (REED COLLINS) - Racial violence continues. H. Rap Brown arrested. Thirty five dead in Detroit riots. Comments by H. Rap Brown, Governor Ronald Reagan, Former President Dwight Eisenhower, and Congressman Adam Clayton Powell.


Oct. 20, 1967 - CBS EVENING NEWS (DAN RATHER) - Seven of eight Whites found guilty in 1964 murders of Civil Rights workers. Comments from one Attorney, and relatives of some of the accused.

Oct. 22, 1967 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Federal jury convicts seven White men of murdering three Civil Rights workers in 1964.

Dec. 26, 1967 - NEWS - Blacks threaten the 1968 Democratic Convention.

Dec. 31, 1967 - VOICES IN THE HEADLINES - Mayor of Miami to crack down on Negro looters.

Feb. 4, 1968 - JOE PYNE SHOW (WNEW-TV) - Debate which covers much ground including topics about "Negroes," "Segregation," "Bigotry," and "Lester Maddox."

Feb. 10, 1968 - WORLD THIS WEEK - Martin Luther King comments on the needs of Negroes.

Feb. 19, 1968 - CBS EVENING NEWS (HARRY REASONER) - Eric Severeid commentary on "Race."

Feb. 21, 1968 - ABC NEWS - Profile on the first black Mayor of a major city, Carl Stokes.

March 28, 1968 - NEWS - Negro riots in Memphis, Tennessee.

March 30, 1968 - WORLD THIS WEEK - Racial violence in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin Luther King comments on his failed efforts.

April 1, 1968 - CBS EVENING NEWS - Eric Severeid commentary regarding Martin Luther King's return to Memphis, Tennessee tomorrow to resume Civil Rights march.

April 2, 1968 - NEWS - Racial crisis in Memphis, Tennessee. Comment by Jesse Jackson.

April 4, 1968 - NEWS BULLETIN - MARTIN LUTHER KING SHOT AND KILLED IN MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Report of the assassination in Carnegie Hall.

April 4, 1968 - NEWS - More on the King assassination. Rioting and looting in Memphis. Comments from President Lyndon Johnson.




April 4, 1968 - TELEPHONE TALK SHOW - Phone calls from the public regarding the death of Martin Luther King.

April 4, 1968 - SPECIAL REPORT: "AGITATION IN HARLEM." Militant Negroes react to the assassination of Martin Luther King. Report on violence in Memphis. Stores looted. Police are shot at...Rev. Jesse Jackson comments. Robert F. Kennedy comments.

April 5, 1968 - NEWS - Looting and violence in Harlem aftermath of King assassination. Mayor Lindsay comments. Description of death scene at Memphis hotel.

April 5, 1968 - CBS EVENING NEWS - Violence and looting in Washington DC. Report from Memphis. Comments from Jackie Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Mayor Stokes...World reactions. Walter Kiernan comments on the King murder, as does Eric Severeid.


*April 5, 1968 - NBC NEWS (HUNTLEY & BRINKLEY) - King assassination updates.

*April 5, 1968 - CBS SPECIAL - "ASSASSINATION AND AFTERMATH." Hosted by Harry Reasoner.

April 5, 1968 - THE TONIGHT SHOW (JOHNNY CARSON) - Johnny Carson comments on the King assassination in his monologue.

April 5, 1968 - NEGRO RALLY IN CENTRAL PARK - Speakers include Dr. Barry Spock.





April 10, 1968 - CBS EVENING NEWS (WALTER CRONKITE) - Eric Severeid commentary. Civil Rights Bill passed.

April 11, 1968 - WORLD THIS WEEK - Search continues for King's killer. King funeral in Atlanta, Georgia. Congress passes the Civil Rights Act. President Lyndon Baines Johnson comments. Many USA cities assess riot damages. Thirty-nine people killed.

April 19, 1968 - CBS NEWS - FBI identifies the killer of Martin Luther King. His name is James Earl Ray. Recap of Memphis killing.

The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and service excellence. *Nome= 5 Klans=5 Families.