A *Nome= 5 Klans= 5/25 Family Tribes.
“Eco-Nome-ics is a family Based system.” Sasteh Meter Mosley
This means that we build, create, manufacture, to establish products, specialized Services, Crafts, and skills from the resources in the Ecology of nature and the land. In the United States Black bodies are the human capital and Black Gold Standard. Our raw Gifts and Talents have been created and exploited for too long.
East Meets West of Troost is an economic development community service that is dedicated to markedly improving the economic commerce exchange in both the East and West side of Troost. Troost Ave. has been a long-standing east side/ west side dividing line marking the Difference between the Country Club Plaza, JC Nichols Shopping district's Brush Creek, and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Ave in contrast to Brush Creek on the east side, with Bruce Watkins Cultural heritage center and Freedom Fountain is the highlight of the only City fountain designed by an African American Artist. "The Hood" is located east of Troost. State Representative Lloyd Daniel wrote a poem reflecting the contrast between the Ghetto and Guns on the North side of Troost and Nuclear Bombs on the South side of Troost.
We are bridging the gap between neighborhoods in Kansas City, Missouri, and the Greater Kansas City Missouri Area.
We encourage our youth to believe in themselves and their Positive potential. This will allow microeconomic development to cultivate small Urban businesses, cultural groups, vendors, and artists, economic opportunities who would otherwise lack economic development assistance.
Some of our main projects are in cooperative connection to Green Careers, Urban Farming, and Recycling efforts to raise funds for studio time, to cultivate our At-Risk Youth into local Hip-Hop Arts and expression and develop into Community Activists. Our Artists have performed for Local and National Political, social and environmental Actions!
We also provide counseling and support with our community services for the housing, and outreach to incarcerated individuals, family support, and re-entry programs.
Kansas City Missouri's Youth are faced with a lot of issues that are commonly overlooked such as Homelessness, Human Trafficking, Sexual Abuse, Child Neglect, Abduction, Latch-key children, Gang violence, Homicide, Incarceration, Literacy, Proper Education, and Child Poverty...
At EMWOT we sincerely believe that children are the future of the world!
*Your tax deductible contributions to EMWOT will go towards the support of At-Risk Youth in Urban Kansas City -Giving our youth an opportunity to:
*Network with entrepreneurs to acquire leadership skills and on-the-job training
*Receive Training in Green Urban Farming initiatives to Abolish Food Deserts and support Youth health and wellness
*Support Recycling initiatives- Electronics, Work gear, hygiene and personal items
*To provide Community Service hours and internships for youth to Give Back to the Community and *lead with skills, trades, and vocation experiences
*Receive Tutoring and assistance in Reading and Literacy, Application and Legal documents
We are bridging the gap between neighborhoods in Kansas City, Missouri, and the Greater Kansas City Missouri Area.
We encourage our youth to believe in themselves and their Positive potential. This will allow microeconomic development to cultivate small Urban businesses, cultural groups, vendors, and artists, economic opportunities who would otherwise lack economic development assistance.
Some of our main projects are in cooperative connection to Green Careers, Urban Farming, and Recycling efforts to raise funds for studio time, to cultivate our At-Risk Youth into local Hip-Hop Arts and expression and develop into Community Activists. Our Artists have performed for Local and National Political, social and environmental Actions!
We also provide counseling and support with our community services for the housing, and outreach to incarcerated individuals, family support, and re-entry programs.
Kansas City Missouri's Youth are faced with a lot of issues that are commonly overlooked such as Homelessness, Human Trafficking, Sexual Abuse, Child Neglect, Abduction, Latch-key children, Gang violence, Homicide, Incarceration, Literacy, Proper Education, and Child Poverty...
At EMWOT we sincerely believe that children are the future of the world!
*Your tax deductible contributions to EMWOT will go towards the support of At-Risk Youth in Urban Kansas City -Giving our youth an opportunity to:
*Network with entrepreneurs to acquire leadership skills and on-the-job training
*Receive Training in Green Urban Farming initiatives to Abolish Food Deserts and support Youth health and wellness
*Support Recycling initiatives- Electronics, Work gear, hygiene and personal items
*To provide Community Service hours and internships for youth to Give Back to the Community and *lead with skills, trades, and vocation experiences
*Receive Tutoring and assistance in Reading and Literacy, Application and Legal documents
*Foster Performance arts, media and entertainment venues
NEW AND IMPROVED DVD! for only $10.00.
EMWOT Griot Gathering CD is an eclectic blend of Grassroots, Cultural, Political Spoken Word, Folk and Hip Hop Musical artists from KCMO! A compilation of artists and their music. They sing about Grassroots, current event issues ranging from the poisoning of Nuclear Weapon plant workers and their Neighborhoods to Kansas City Missouri public Schools. Thought provoking and fun, these selections are a blend that only these Kansas City artists can bring to Hip Hop spoken word & Jam. It's the return of people’s music; -it offers a deep human connection, through STRONG sonic celebration....
The Mission of EMWOT
(East Meets West of Troost)
Our Mission
To re-build a sovereign, self-sustainable community of Nomes
Green Ecological Sustainability, Integrity, Environmental and Social Responsibility
Services that benefit humanity and nature
Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) - Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Creativity Purpose, Faith.
The 5 Corners of Nome- Community Re-Development
4-RECYCLING -Cultural Arts
EMWOT has Homeschooling and Before And After School programs, Works with At-Risk Youth, Juvenile and Young Adult Incarcerated Re-Entry, Youth and Young Adult Homelessness, Youth and Young Adult Assistance with those who have fallen in the gap of Foster Care Services. We Counsel, Mentor and work with moving our adolescent youth to viable Adults.
Residential- Temporary Housing, Custodial, Maintenance, Tree Trimming
Air-B and B Management
Building, Deconstruction, Saftey Trade, and Skills Training
Electronics, Cell Phones, Laptops, Appliances, Automotive- for repair and, redistribution, Aluminum Cans, and Agra Business Equipment, Composting items: Spent Coffee and Tea, Leaves, Grass Clippings,
DVD Production
Website design and Maintenance
NEW AND IMPROVED DVD! for only $10.00.
EMWOT Griot Gathering CD is an eclectic blend of Grassroots, Cultural, Political Spoken Word, Folk and Hip Hop Musical artists from KCMO! A compilation of artists and their music. They sing about Grassroots, current event issues ranging from the poisoning of Nuclear Weapon plant workers and their Neighborhoods to Kansas City Missouri public Schools. Thought provoking and fun, these selections are a blend that only these Kansas City artists can bring to Hip Hop spoken word & Jam. It's the return of people’s music; -it offers a deep human connection, through STRONG sonic celebration....
The Mission of EMWOT
(East Meets West of Troost)
Our Mission
To re-build a sovereign, self-sustainable community of Nomes
Green Ecological Sustainability, Integrity, Environmental and Social Responsibility
Services that benefit humanity and nature
Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) - Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Creativity Purpose, Faith.
The 5 Corners of Nome- Community Re-Development
4-RECYCLING -Cultural Arts
EMWOT has Homeschooling and Before And After School programs, Works with At-Risk Youth, Juvenile and Young Adult Incarcerated Re-Entry, Youth and Young Adult Homelessness, Youth and Young Adult Assistance with those who have fallen in the gap of Foster Care Services. We Counsel, Mentor and work with moving our adolescent youth to viable Adults.
URBAN FARMING 40 Block Tillers services- Rain gardens, Polinator gardens, Memorial Gardens
East Highschool Green Houses with Nelson and Pade systems
Amen Ankh RRR Greenhouse Project
East Highschool Green Houses with Nelson and Pade systems
Amen Ankh RRR Greenhouse Project
Vermiculture Composting Site
Vacant Lot –Grow Food Not Lawns
Vacant Lot –Grow Food Not Lawns
AMEN COMMUNICATIONS IT Low Voltage nstallers
Lighting, Security systems, Fire Alarms,
Residential- Temporary Housing, Custodial, Maintenance, Tree Trimming
Air-B and B Management
Building, Deconstruction, Saftey Trade, and Skills Training
Electronics, Cell Phones, Laptops, Appliances, Automotive- for repair and, redistribution, Aluminum Cans, and Agra Business Equipment, Composting items: Spent Coffee and Tea, Leaves, Grass Clippings,
We collect donations for Local Community of New and Used Work Wear, Blankets, Winter Wear, Safety equipment, Tools, Agricultural Equipment, Hygiene products, First Aid materials, Water and Food for Homelessness.
DVD Production
Website design and Maintenance
Beats, Recordings, Podcasts
Electronics Recycling
KingPen Coalition
CD Production
Green Griot Gathering Entertainment Psyfer
A cultural entertainment family of growers who are social activists. Spoken Word, Storytellers, singers, dancer, performers
Electronics Recycling
KingPen Coalition
CD Production
Green Griot Gathering Entertainment Psyfer
A cultural entertainment family of growers who are social activists. Spoken Word, Storytellers, singers, dancer, performers
Green Griot Gathering
A cultural entertainment family of growers who are social activists. Spoken Word, Storytellers, singers, dancer, performers
can provide a complete package for your community, Family or Cultural Occasions
Call us for your Special event planning- Green Cultural Entertainment, Lectures, Classes, Workshops to Celebrate the Circles of Life!
is a cultural entertainment family of farmers and social activists. On Tuesdays and Fridays at 7pm- 9:00pm YouTube and Facebook Live... We talk about The Art of Economic Development, STE-A-M Education- Artist to Activism! Book Study – Cultural Arts- Performance art, Storytelling, Poetry and Spoken Word, Nome Circles, RRR (Reduce Reusable Recycling) costume design, Sewing and other Hand Craft Classes...
We are calling out Griots for the Green Griot Gathering At Amen Ankh Urban Farm- For Auditions and Rehearsal for our LIVE EVENTS!!!!! We call on ALL Griots- Authors, Poets, Spoken Word, Spirit, Step Dance teams, Singers and Performers! We are looking for Griots to speak on Nature, Food Sovereignty, Urban Agriculture, No GMOs, any other Green Ecological topics. We invite you to share your creativity or come and enjoy the way of life, health and sustainability at the Amen Par Ankh! If YOU consider yourself a Griot- We are calling on YOU! Every Tuesday at 6:30pm! RSVP: 816-281-7704

We offer a NEW DVD compilation Titled: “The Griot Gathering” - local artists who share our mission and sing about Grassroots, current event issues ranging from the Nuclear Weapon plant poisonings of workers and their Neighborhoods to Kansas City Missouri’s School District. Thought provoking and fun, these selections are a blend that only these Kansas City artists can bring to Hip Hop spoken word. It's the return of people’s music; -it offers a deep human connection, through STRONG sonic celebration..
You can get your copy today!
Call: 816-281-7704
King Kihei; President
Sasteh Meter Mosley; CEO
Adenike Amen-Ra; Executive Director
EMWOT is dedicated to the sharing of experiences, best practices and methods for achieving sustainability in our personal lives, our communities and our Ecosystems.
As Troost put behind it the dividing line that separated the races, Blacks moved south across the 27th street, race boundary line to Linwood, to Brush Creek, to 63rd street and eventually to Bannister and beyond, as white flight moved to gated communities and further west of Troost. As new neighborhoods are built, EMWOT plays its role in organizing an economically sustainable community.
A cultural entertainment family of growers who are social activists. Spoken Word, Storytellers, singers, dancer, performers
can provide a complete package for your community, Family or Cultural Occasions
Call us for your Special event planning- Green Cultural Entertainment, Lectures, Classes, Workshops to Celebrate the Circles of Life!
is a cultural entertainment family of farmers and social activists. On Tuesdays and Fridays at 7pm- 9:00pm YouTube and Facebook Live... We talk about The Art of Economic Development, STE-A-M Education- Artist to Activism! Book Study – Cultural Arts- Performance art, Storytelling, Poetry and Spoken Word, Nome Circles, RRR (Reduce Reusable Recycling) costume design, Sewing and other Hand Craft Classes...
We are calling out Griots for the Green Griot Gathering At Amen Ankh Urban Farm- For Auditions and Rehearsal for our LIVE EVENTS!!!!! We call on ALL Griots- Authors, Poets, Spoken Word, Spirit, Step Dance teams, Singers and Performers! We are looking for Griots to speak on Nature, Food Sovereignty, Urban Agriculture, No GMOs, any other Green Ecological topics. We invite you to share your creativity or come and enjoy the way of life, health and sustainability at the Amen Par Ankh! If YOU consider yourself a Griot- We are calling on YOU! Every Tuesday at 6:30pm! RSVP: 816-281-7704

We offer a NEW DVD compilation Titled: “The Griot Gathering” - local artists who share our mission and sing about Grassroots, current event issues ranging from the Nuclear Weapon plant poisonings of workers and their Neighborhoods to Kansas City Missouri’s School District. Thought provoking and fun, these selections are a blend that only these Kansas City artists can bring to Hip Hop spoken word. It's the return of people’s music; -it offers a deep human connection, through STRONG sonic celebration..
You can get your copy today!
Call: 816-281-7704
King Kihei; President
Sasteh Meter Mosley; CEO
Adenike Amen-Ra; Executive Director
EMWOT is dedicated to the sharing of experiences, best practices and methods for achieving sustainability in our personal lives, our communities and our Ecosystems.
As Troost put behind it the dividing line that separated the races, Blacks moved south across the 27th street, race boundary line to Linwood, to Brush Creek, to 63rd street and eventually to Bannister and beyond, as white flight moved to gated communities and further west of Troost. As new neighborhoods are built, EMWOT plays its role in organizing an economically sustainable community.
5 Families= a Klan, 5 Klans= a Nome.
5 Nomes = a City-State, 5 City-States= a Nation.
In Kemetic language a Nome would be Sepat.
In Kemetic language a Nome would be Sepat.