This is an open letter to the City Council and our Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, Law Professor Quinton Lucas, who boldly moved to engage in solutions to local control of police for our city and address the climate of racial Equity and justice for the African American community.
We give honor to the most High! We are the children of the Sun!
Afrikan Americans are descendants of the Original and Oldest People on the Planet, We are the Children of the Sun! We are a Global People, not only a continental people. As Ancient Melanin Rich People, we come from families with many diverse Ancestries, Philosophies, Languages, Cultures and Civilizations found all over the planet. We are also an ancient people right here in the continent of the Americas before colonialism by the United States. So our people did not begin with chattel enslavement in the United States. We have traveled and founded civilization on all of the continents using our own Nautical and Astronomical knowledge. Yes, we are workers, but we are also global contributors, Inventors, Scientists, Veterans, landowners, Farmers, Small Business Owners, Engineers, Astronomers, Authors, shipbuilders, Environmentalists, Teachers, Doctors, Counselors, Politicians, Ministers, Artists, and Athletes. Many of us still live right here in urban Kansas City areas. We Celebrate our own African American Holidays and we have our own value systems. Many still practice the 42 Virtues of Ma'at and The Nguzo Saba, a Swahili phrase that means 7 principles- of Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work, and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Creativity, Purpose, and Faith. Indigenous people of Afrikan and American Descent are not only Christian based in denominations, Hebrew, and/or Islamic, we also practice Ancient Eastern Afrikan and American Spiritual systems. We're are also members of Masonic orders, as well as members of Sororities and Fraternal orders. So, we are a tribal society.
We can look inside of our own community, our neighborhoods, and go within ourselves, to establish our own Black Community Policing Initiatives. This is Intentional Community*. We can customize our own approach for our own community, focusing clearly on our own cultural sensitivity and understanding, to provide quality service, support and security, that meets the unique needs of our diverse people.
I propose that Afrikan Americans Become the "Gentry*" of Our Own Communities.
Paternally depending on people who represent policing, yet don't even choose to live around our elders, our children, our Mothers, and Fathers, and the most vulnerable, in our neighborhoods, yet have a negative, hyper-militarized, dehumanizing, condescending, alienating, aggressive, assimilationist, shoot-to-kill stance in racially profiling and stereotyping Afrikan Americans that they are supposed to serve and protect, is out of order.
*Farm-A-See Therapy -Agro- Therapy for Veterans
*Our own Private Police Patrols, Cameras, and other Security services
Security is a collective responsibility. It simply means that it is my responsibility and your responsibility as local community members. It goes beyond personnel in Militarized uniforms. Our Security should not be a special duty of the City Police, National Guard, Armed Forces, FBI, or CIA, etc. These are human beings with special training but still can't adequately function without our partnership in the form of collaboration. It is this gap that Community Policing can fill.
*When requesting services for emergency/life-threatening situations, we also receive the arrival of our own African American local community service person. Our own Black Neighborhood members can replace CIO (Community Interaction Officer,) or CIT (Crisis Intervention Teams.) So, Life-Threatening, Emergency situations, & violent crimes in progress: 911 would still be Called.) Original Artworks and poetry by Adenike AmenRa
What happened to Ministers of Peace and Guardians? What happened to Charging someone with a violation and Reading the Maranda Rights? What happened to the Innocent until proven guilty and trial by a jury of their peers? The term policing is an egregious scar for Afrikan Americans. U.S. Policing began with Militias, Slave Patrols, and Bounty hunters.

Yet, Our families were lynched off of our own lands, and we endured Jim Crow Laws and Separate-But-Equal segregation like we were living in a concentration camp.

We are still vilifying African American people for Black-on-Black Killing, coming out of COVID-19 quarantine, yet we are afraid to design and build our own safe and sustainable housing, Commercial centers, and recreational activity spaces for our own people...
We have NO BLACK owned Hotels, Amusement/Entertainment centers/parks, skating rinks,
Organic community-owned Grocery stores and vendors, or sufficient Black-owned Eldercare Centers, or Centers for the Disabled.

Yet we are still confining our children to "Get out of the "Ghetto"" to work on jobs, to inwealthen someone else's community, or remain in a low-income consumer base group, since desegregation from Jim Crow Laws... the 13th Amendment, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws, and Redlining WERE LEGALLY BINDING LAWS in the U.S.! They were created as a backlash against the Emancipation Proclamation, and a set-up for African Americans to be Menial laborers in the Reconstruction of the U.S. after the Civil War instead of Land Owners, Business owners, Resource owners and Developers.
We must rise above fear... And fear tactics...
African American Youth have been vilified for going to the Country Club Plaza, Power and Light District, or Westport shopping and entertainment areas, because these areas are considered as tourist attraction sites. Black youth are then moving targets, attacked by Caucasian Police for dress codes, and automotive code violations when they return home from attending Skating rinks or movie theaters outside of our community. Black Developers are afraid to build their own amusement parks, concert and athletics centers, like skating rinks, and Bowling alleys within their own communities because we are afraid that someone might bring a gun and shoot... Must the majority always suffer for the few!?- this sounds like a fear-based illogical rationale...
Right now, on the 18th and Vine Jazz district in Kansas City, there are many historical structures that are dilapidated and falling down, yet there are residents, who have discouraged African American Contractors and business development because "they will make too much noise during construction"...

So, who are the people with "violent behavior"? What are their habits? How can we dispel the causes of rage, wrath, anger, grief, despair, neglect, poverty, homelessness, hunger, drug abuse, theft, human trafficking, and yes, RACISM/white supremacy, etc.? "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
How can we end the production and manufacturing of illicit drugs that are coming from the sources of Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc., with Corporate entities, and corrupt individuals that link with the human trafficking of child soldiers who are established, with weapons "provided" to protect these illegal drugs? How do we end Human trafficking, that exploits the urban core?
Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. Our Mission: We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and the Environment. We are a Ma'afia a "Healthy Place To Live" AMEN PAR ANKH Sacred Temple of Life: NATION BUILDING BOOKS (
Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704
Contact: or
Amen Ankh Akademy; is a virtual home school communivercity, in the heart of midtown Urban Kansas City, Missouri. We provide an Online Afrikan centered Homeschool Curriculum network and Afterschool STE-A-M (science technology, Industrial /Vocational Arts, mathematics) careers with hands-on Agriculture Experiences. –You G.R.O.W.W. Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group. We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. Contact our Minister and Director: Nuta Adenike Amen-Ra Moses El and become a member of our Gnome Ma'afia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: or and Call/text/Voicemail: 816-281-7704
Paternally depending on people who represent policing, yet don't even choose to live around our elders, our children, our Mothers, and Fathers, and the most vulnerable, in our neighborhoods, yet have a negative, hyper-militarized, dehumanizing, condescending, alienating, aggressive, assimilationist, shoot-to-kill stance in racially profiling and stereotyping Afrikan Americans that they are supposed to serve and protect, is out of order.
So What does Black Community Policing look like?
- Establishing our own *Neighborhood Tribal Councils by empowering our Neighborhood Associations- to manage minor disputes- and preside in Court hearings over non-violent disputes, Domestic Disputes, Like Neighbor conflict resolutions and mediations, Child Custody, Divorces, restitution, community services, and Arbitration for small Business disputes, etc.
- *Promoting the Committee Men and Women, and Neighborhood Block captains to salaried contractors through Neighborhood Associations, to work along with Local community-based Attorneys, and Judges with the direct offices of the In-district and At-large City Council.
- Establishing Neighborhood Safehouses that may be used for temporary shelter, Crisis Intervention, recipients of foster care and non-violent house arrest.
- Establishing Freedom Schools, Homeschooling networks, weblinks, tutoring, Communivercity, and Cultural arts enrichment, Theater arts
- Expanding and repurposing Churches and Schools as 24-hour- 365 Safe Harbors and safe zones.
- Utilizing 24 hour Daycare centers for emergency foster care recipients
- Community Houseless support
- Establishing good samaritan support for Free transportation,- National Free Metro busses, and rail systems
- More Non-Police responders for Health checks and Non-life threatening situations, to have their own Call Number (or 24-7 311 Referral) that can be distributed through our own local Neighborhood community stations for:
- Homelessness
- Welfare Check-ins
- Defibrillators
- Safe Spaces
- Emergency foster care
- Trespassing, loitering, disputes
- Violence Interrupters/ peer intervention
- Community Mediation
- Mental Health Counseling
- AlAnon/ NarcAnon
- Urban Farming
- Youth Crisis intervention,
- Educational, and Tutoring
- Recreational Activities
- Sharing Food, Food pantry, Water supplies, winter clothes
- Family Crisis Counseling
- Health Testing
- Rape/Assault
- Car Accident Reports
- Debt and bill assistance
- Pet Retrieval
- Storage and Borrowing of Recreation, safety equipment, and Exercise equipment like bicycles, helmets, Baseball gloves, Gardening tools
- Property crimes Vandalism, Theft, Burglary, and other non-violent crimes
These stations can even receive Community Service, emergency Warming and cooling locations, Temporary Housing, and Diversion applicants
Black Community Policing also looks like:
- *Grand Ma and Grand Pa Benches, and Community Safe houses, where we can Culturally Mentor, share Grief, Anxiety, Trauma, Domestic Parental and Relationship Advice, Health and Wellness, and Resource Information... Or JUST READ A STORY TO CHILDREN OR PLAY SOME UPLIFTING MUSIC...
We must take back ownership of our health and well-being.
We Can Incorporate the Seven Principals (Nguzo Saba):
- Unity- Umoja
- Self Determination- Kujichagulia
- Collective Works and Responsibility- Ujima
- Cooperative Economics- Ujamaa
- Purpose-Nia
- Creativity-Kuumba
- Faith- Imani
Friendship Bench
Why I Teach Grandmothers About the Friendship Bench
- Adequate neighborhood training for block captains, in life support, CPR, the Heimlich Maneuver, self-defense, and violence interrupters
- *Alternative Health Practice Doulas, Breast Milk Banks, Arissa Ankh (Reiki), Acupuncture, Capoeira, Martial Arts Defense Massage Therapy, Tai Chi, Yoga, Chiropractic, and Osteopathic medicine that would be covered by Insurance products...
- Alternative Resources: Cooperative Food networks with Urban Agriculture; Solar Energy, Batteries, and generator system; Alternative Transportation and rideshare networks; Communal Communication, Internet, and media; Cooperative Water systems network, Homesteading supplies- Compost toilet systems; Recycling services
- *Before and After School Safe Houses near every playground and School, for children, and
- *Sanctuary Zones for adults. Houseless comprehensive support,
- Access to WiFi-Internet and Laptops to end the digital divide
- *Neighborhood Assessment Patrols and Bike Patrolling units -For Street clean-up, Street Repair teams, Minor home Repair contractors, Using Section 3 Workers, and Local African American Contractors
What Community Policing Looks Like:
*Training our own local residents for voluntary Firefighters, Paramedics, and visiting nurses, Violence Interrupters, and Councilors.
*Our own Private Police Patrols, Cameras, and other Security services
Security is a collective responsibility. It simply means that it is my responsibility and your responsibility as local community members. It goes beyond personnel in Militarized uniforms. Our Security should not be a special duty of the City Police, National Guard, Armed Forces, FBI, or CIA, etc. These are human beings with special training but still can't adequately function without our partnership in the form of collaboration. It is this gap that Community Policing can fill.
*When requesting services for emergency/life-threatening situations, we also receive the arrival of our own African American local community service person. Our own Black Neighborhood members can replace CIO (Community Interaction Officer,) or CIT (Crisis Intervention Teams.) So, Life-Threatening, Emergency situations, & violent crimes in progress: 911 would still be Called.)
Most 911 Calls are for Life-threatening HEALTH CALLS. It typically takes 10 additional minutes for paramedics to respond to calls In Black Communities nationally. Police do not perform life-threatening emergency responses like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The Fire departments are hostile to destroying and tearing down black-owned properties and neighborhood areas.
Our Youth are our future. We need to invest directly in our youth. YES, We can build African American-owned recreational outlets for our youth, Skating, Movie Theatres, Bowling, Arts Entertainment Auditoriums, Paintball, Racing Tracks, or even our own Sport competition franchises or arenas... Our Dollars used to recirculate multiple times within our own communities, Like the Greenwood District, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Rosewood, Florida. We must move from renting from a US Consumer system's tap that can easily be shut off. We must move to control our own resources... We must own our own Water, Food, Land, and Commercial Properties, as a society not as individuals- to be a nation... I am encouraging our Youth to get their education, and instead of leaving our neighborhoods, to return, to be homeowners, and Small business owners- To BE THE GENTRY! It Starts with the person in the mirror

We CAN have LOCAL CONTROL by policing ourselves! We CAN recirculate Black Dollars back into the Black Community and back into the pockets of our own people. Local Black Growers Farmer's Markets, Recycling initiatives, Repair services, Historical Restorations, Neighborhoods can Adopt the vacant lots on the block, Freedom school Networks, Theater, Debate Teams, Elders as Mentors, Story tellers, Our own skating rinks, Movie theaters, Chess competitions, Choirs, Baking, and Bar-B-Q completions, Foreign exchange Students, African Languages, Mental Health Alternative health

I am be steadfast and dedicated in the creation and development of Indigo Afrikan American institutions for a long time. Many, are Unsung.
I wish to express a vision of Afrikan American empowerment through building organizations, institutions, and foundations that work in OUR best interests. This is needed now more than ever.
Young people need to see a better world. When they walk through their neighborhoods and see our institutions, other than churches and liquor stores, such as independent schools, healing centers, spiritual centers, cooperative businesses, our own grocery stores with organic vegetables, Seniors and Disabled incorporated with our families and Neighborhoods, our Men and women working responsibly, cultural art and entertainment centers, movie theaters, skating rinks, cooperative housing, cooperative credit unions, urban agricultural projects, food collectives, childcare centers, everthing a community needs to empower itself, they become empowered. They have an increased sense of "self" and "place" enhanced by seeing concrete examples of "do for self."
We don't have to take over the United States.
We just have to take over ourselves and our communities and the "State"- will wither away...
Adenike AmenRa
Executive Director of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost)
Managing Partner of Amen Communications WBE
Managing Partner of Amen Communications WBE
816.281.7704 Original Artworks and poetry by Adenike AmenRa
What happened to Ministers of Peace and Guardians? What happened to Charging someone with a violation and Reading the Maranda Rights? What happened to the Innocent until proven guilty and trial by a jury of their peers? The term policing is an egregious scar for Afrikan Americans. U.S. Policing began with Militias, Slave Patrols, and Bounty hunters.

"The earliest formal slave patrol was created in the Carolinas in the early 1700s with one mission: to establish a system of terror and squash slave uprisings with the capacity to pursue, apprehend, and return runaway slaves to their owners. Tactics included the use of excessive force to control and produce desired slave behavior."
By the 1900s, local municipalities began to establish police departments to enforce local laws in the East and Midwest, including Jim Crow laws. Local municipalities leaned on police to enforce and exert excessive brutality on African Americans who violated any Jim Crow law. Jim Crow Laws continued through the end of the 1960s.
"The crisis in policing is the culmination of a thousand other failures — failures of education, social services, public health, gun regulation, criminal justice, and economic development."
The New Yorker, July 13, 2020
Here are things that 911 Police Calls are not coming out in the field for in Kansas City RIGHT NOW!
Mental Health Crisis intervention
Drug intervention
Car Accidents Reports
So, What does Community Policing Look like for African Americans? These are the highlights:
*Neighborhood Peer intervention Patrols,
*Grand Ma and Grand Pa Friendship Benches for mental and physical health consultations,
*Urban Farming, Agro-Therapy,
*More Neighborhood Safehouses,
*Proactive Neighborhood Associations,
*Paid and engaged Committee Men and Women,
*Naturopathic and Alternative Healing,
*Recycling and Environmental work Groups and patrols,
*Neighborhood Security systems...
#EndHumanTrafficking #StopTheKillingKC #BlackLivesMatterToo #NguzoSaba #AmenAnkh #BeTheGentry #EMWOT #911IsAJoke
*We need our own Intentional Communities!
An intentional community is a planned residential community designed from the start to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political, religious, or spiritual vision... Wikipedia
Yes We can use our own Nguzo Saba- Kujichagulia (Self Determination) to provide for ourselves, RIGHT NOW! We can Be the Gentry, to hire our own private police officers who come from our neighborhoods and/or are willing to continue to live with us and support our neighborhoods, offer respect and dignity to our people, come to support and be a part of our weddings, baby showers, ball games, attend and support our children's schools, attend our Bar-B-Qs, bring their children and spouses around our children and spouses... For that matter, We also need our own African American Doctors, Nurses, Fire departments, Ambulance, Hospitals, Teachers, Schools, and especially production and manufacturing business owners, to return to our communities!
We also need Alien businesses to establish themselves in their own communities.
Alien Business Owners that prey on our neighborhoods, set up smoke and liquor stores, beauty stores, manicure salons, overpriced convenience stores, and the like, who choose to shoot-to-kill black-skinned customers, harass us like thieves, and who do not support or re-invest in our financial success, is out of order.
Yet, Our families were lynched off of our own lands, and we endured Jim Crow Laws and Separate-But-Equal segregation like we were living in a concentration camp.

We are still vilifying African American people for Black-on-Black Killing, coming out of COVID-19 quarantine, yet we are afraid to design and build our own safe and sustainable housing, Commercial centers, and recreational activity spaces for our own people...
Our Gifted and talented are still encouraged to leave our community instead of being the gentry...
We have NO BLACK owned Hotels, Amusement/Entertainment centers/parks, skating rinks,
Organic community-owned Grocery stores and vendors, or sufficient Black-owned Eldercare Centers, or Centers for the Disabled.

Yet we are still confining our children to "Get out of the "Ghetto"" to work on jobs, to inwealthen someone else's community, or remain in a low-income consumer base group, since desegregation from Jim Crow Laws... the 13th Amendment, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws, and Redlining WERE LEGALLY BINDING LAWS in the U.S.! They were created as a backlash against the Emancipation Proclamation, and a set-up for African Americans to be Menial laborers in the Reconstruction of the U.S. after the Civil War instead of Land Owners, Business owners, Resource owners and Developers.
We must rise above fear... And fear tactics...
African American Youth have been vilified for going to the Country Club Plaza, Power and Light District, or Westport shopping and entertainment areas, because these areas are considered as tourist attraction sites. Black youth are then moving targets, attacked by Caucasian Police for dress codes, and automotive code violations when they return home from attending Skating rinks or movie theaters outside of our community. Black Developers are afraid to build their own amusement parks, concert and athletics centers, like skating rinks, and Bowling alleys within their own communities because we are afraid that someone might bring a gun and shoot... Must the majority always suffer for the few!?- this sounds like a fear-based illogical rationale...
Right now, on the 18th and Vine Jazz district in Kansas City, there are many historical structures that are dilapidated and falling down, yet there are residents, who have discouraged African American Contractors and business development because "they will make too much noise during construction"...
We have wasted so much time infighting, while the funding delegated to our neighborhoods ate diverted to the power and "Light" District!
*As we indict each other publicly, over "Black on Black" killing, this negative messaging only promotes a depressing, paralyzing, and reluctant false narrative to our people.
*As we indict each other publicly, over "Black on Black" killing, this negative messaging only promotes a depressing, paralyzing, and reluctant false narrative to our people.
1. ANY Nationality kills themselves domestically, more than anyone else.
2. STOP THE KILLING - PUT DOWN THE FORKS! More African Americans are dying from Food Deserts where there are a few high priced Grocery stores with no organic foods from local farmers, and plenty of liquor, tobacco, junk convenience stores, and Fast Food eateries, with low nutrition. These food businesses target the poor with poor nutrition. Then these stores take Black Dollars, and like bandits, they do not recirculate the money back into the community that they target. This is Food racism! Thes stores practice Skimp-flation where they lower the volume of product in the package while charging the same price RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES THEY HAVE DOUBLED THE PRICES ON PRODUCTS! THIS IS CORPORATE GRAND THEFT!
More Afrikan Americans are dying from the big 5 nutrition and stress-related illnesses (Heart Attack, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Cancers, BEFORE homicide! So, we do not have the complete statistics of ALL deaths of Afrikan Americans in Kansas City.

So, who are the people with "violent behavior"? What are their habits? How can we dispel the causes of rage, wrath, anger, grief, despair, neglect, poverty, homelessness, hunger, drug abuse, theft, human trafficking, and yes, RACISM/white supremacy, etc.? "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
How can we end the production and manufacturing of illicit drugs that are coming from the sources of Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc., with Corporate entities, and corrupt individuals that link with the human trafficking of child soldiers who are established, with weapons "provided" to protect these illegal drugs? How do we end Human trafficking, that exploits the urban core?
We must NOT be afraid to establish our own community policing.
#AmenAnkh #CriticalRaceTheory #PoliceThePolice #911IsAJoke
(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa.
We are available for Interviews, Advisory, Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STE-A-M homeschooling network, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring.
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Weddings, Afrikan Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling.
#AmenAnkh #CriticalRaceTheory #PoliceThePolice #911IsAJoke
(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa.
We are available for Interviews, Advisory, Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STE-A-M homeschooling network, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring.
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Weddings, Afrikan Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling.
The Mission of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) To re-build an Autonomous, self-sustainable community of Gnomes* To advance the economic conditions of people adversely impacted by arrested development, Racism, and redlining, as a backlash of the Emancipation Proclamation, the civil rights movement, and subsequent integration. To provide Green Sustainable solutions. business education, and service excellence. *Nome= 5 Klans=5 Families.
Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704
Contact: or
Amen Ankh Akademy; is a virtual home school communivercity, in the heart of midtown Urban Kansas City, Missouri. We provide an Online Afrikan centered Homeschool Curriculum network and Afterschool STE-A-M (science technology, Industrial /Vocational Arts, mathematics) careers with hands-on Agriculture Experiences. –You G.R.O.W.W. Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group. We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. Contact our Minister and Director: Nuta Adenike Amen-Ra Moses El and become a member of our Gnome Ma'afia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: or and Call/text/Voicemail: 816-281-7704